Interesting and Humour - page 3339

Maxim Kuznetsov:

I'm afraid to disappoint you :-)

Don't worry, anencephaly - absence of the brain - does occur in nature.

There are very colourful descriptions of it on the internet

And of course in some classes of insects main function of nervous system is in a backbone.


schools are introducing theology and forgetting biology and astronomy, which is really frustrating.

Что такое анэнцефалия, причина данного отклонения, признаки и кто такое ацефалы
Yuriy Zaytsev:

And of course in some classes of insects, the main functions of the nervous system are in the spine.


Yes, you're right - they've completely forgotten biology........



Yes, you're right - totally forgetting biology........

Dmitry, why did you interfere in the dialogue :)

It was a vile provocation on my part and you ruined it.

I wanted to wait for a response from the author, who highlighted in bold the idea with which he does not agree.

Karputov Vladimir:

About intuition...

It wasn't potatoes and rice that killed the Mayan civilisation, butvoid OnDeinit(const int reason){} ?
Alexander Laur:

Good article about the Necessity of a progressive income tax:

Another sycophantic article. The mutts of all stripes have stepped up after the election and started barking. Apparently they really will. Pity the ordinary people. After this tax is introduced, ordinary people will start paying even more, given the already small tax deductions.
Strange conversation was today ...
Anyway, there's a user, registered 2 years ago, Western European, sells in the marketplace, very active on the forum (in English and probably in the German part too), and he asked the question - "what is it when the user's name is crossed out?"
I thought - he's joking. But when I realized (from the conversation in private), that he really does not know, that's how you see a banned usr ("Yes? Crossed is banned? And I did not know"), then I just decided to post it here.

In short - there are users who just do not care (these are the people who keep the forum)

Минфин РФ до конца 2016 года выпустит облигации для населения
Минфин РФ до конца 2016 года выпустит облигации для населения
  • 2016.09.23
Москва. 23 сентября. INTERFAX.RU - Минфин РФ до конца 2016 года планирует выпустить облигации федерального займа (ОФЗ) для населения, сообщил министр финансов Антон Силуанов на Московском финансовом форуме в пятницу. "В этом году выпустим облигации для населения, которые могут заинтересовать наших граждан. Считаю, что помимо обычных...
The minister probably doesn't know that people were already throwing them away and/or burning bags of them. I remember, on meagre wages, my father was burning bundles of them with tears in his eyes to the amazement of my mother, who still hoped for a return on the money spent. A gruesome picture I watched with horror as a child. Do they really want to step on that rake again? The new bond is similar in appearance and size to its second-hand relatives.
Sergey Golubev:
Strange conversation was today ...
Anyway, there's a user, registered 2 years ago, Western European, sells in the marketplace, very active on the forum (in English and probably in the German part too), and he asked the question - "what is it when the user's name is crossed out?"
I thought - he's joking. But when I realized (from the conversation in private), that he really does not know, that's how you see a banned usr ("Yes? Crossed is banned? And I did not know"), then I just decided to post it here.

In short - there are users who just do not care (these are the people who keep the forum)

Creepy !Patience is breaking and the quiet ocean..andthe weak point with a sense of humour is his sense of humour.
Sergey Golubev:
Weird conversation we had today ...
Anyway, there is a username, registered 2 years ago, Western European, sells in the marketplace, very active on the forum (in the UK and probably in the German part too), and he asked the question - "what is it when the username is crossed out?"
I thought - he's joking. But when I realized (from the conversation in private), that he really does not know, that's how you see a banned usr ("Yes? Crossed is banned? And I did not know"), then I just decided to post it here.

In short - there are users who just do not care (these are the people who keep the forum)

The duck on the concrete was a delight )) For some reason, the picture came to mind. I used to work in my youth at a reinforced concrete factory, there was a puddle of mud in the middle of the site, the night frost hit and it frosted up a bit. So the local factory cat decided to walk on the thin ice. He walked, walked, in the middle of the puddle all four paws fell in the mud.

You should have seen his face! He goes, takes his paw out of the mud, shakes it squeamishly, and falls down on the ice again. And all with such disgust on his face )). People just lay there.

We took it to the cheap, washed, all ok, not a single kitty hurt )