Interesting and Humour - page 4004


Do you know Chinese?

What do the characters mean? It's a signpost in Zaryadye Park.
В парке «Зарядье» указатели неправильно перевели на китайский язык
В парке «Зарядье» указатели неправильно перевели на китайский язык
  • 2017.09.13
Китайские пользователи сети обнаружили, что указатели в недавно открытом московском парке «Зарядье» неправильно переведены на китайский язык. Об этом сообщает ЭТД. На них Красная площадь переведена как «колбаса», а Патриаршее подворье — как «деревня шовинистов». «Я просто ослеплен переводом. Кто это сделал?» — приводит...

"Flashmob, fuck...
SPb. On Dumskaya Street (club street, bumping into Griboyedov Canal) a character comes out of a club, runs across the road, hangs himself over the railing and throws mincemeat at Griboyedov Canal. Near the railing stands a body in even greater inadequacy, having seen this feat, decides to join in. Some chicks he knows are standing close by and they lean over the railing to ask their inebriated friend how he is doing. A group of tourists walk by, see a bunch of bodies peering over the railing, join in. It's dusk, can't see a damn thing, which only fuels their interest. They are joined by loiterers who are always full of shit on Gribanal and Dumskaya Street.
Time passes.
The initiator has long gone to his club to clean up further, the crowd continues to grow, gazing at the remnants of exhausted mixture of shawarma, chips, booze and tush. Rumours of a dead body or a diver or someone dropping an iPhone in the Gribanal are heard..." (с)


Skype conversation today, you'll be reading, watch the time.

Was looking at job vacancies on a well-known website. There were a few vacancies for an electrical engineer. But one was an electronic engineer. Do they need a robot?
Dmitry Fedoseev:

It's not easy. You can talk and hang out with Amercanians... while ours sit around looking gloomy and bullshitting.

I remember often meeting a Mexican maid in the States and she would ask me in the morning, -how are you?

I answered, good or well, and she always looked at me worriedly. I asked the guys, why is she so anxious? The answer is to smile broadly and say fine!!! I mean, fine!!!

And when you just say Fine, she thinks you're not happy with the service ))

Andrew Petras:

"Flash mob...
St. Petersburg. A character walks out of a club on Dumskaya Street (club street, meets the Griboyedov Canal), runs across the street, hangs over the railing and throws mincemeat at the Griboyedov Canal. Near the railing stands a body in even greater inadequacy, having seen this feat, decides to join in. Some chicks he knows are standing next to him and they lean over the railing to ask their inebriated friend how he is doing. A group of tourists walk by, see a bunch of bodies peering over the railing, join in. It's dusk, can't see a damn thing, which only fuels their interest. They are joined by loiterers who are always full of shit on Gribanal and Dumskaya Street.
Time passes.
The initiator has long gone to his club to clean up further, the crowd continues to grow, gazing at the remnants of exhausted mixture of shawarma, chips, booze and tush. Rumours of a dead body or a diver or someone dropping an iPhone in the Gribanal are heard..." (с)

Japanese people are usually funny, they're herd creatures, they only walk in groups. I was walking around the Summer Garden with my camera, and I liked the sight of a ray of sunlight breaking through a slit in the dense foliage. I stopped. I snapped a picture. I turned around and there were Japanese people lined up in the street, each one was taking a couple of pictures and was giving up his place to the others in a disciplined manner ))



The lights have been switched off in the whole house. But there is a gas cooker, a paraffin lamp and a candle in the closet. There is only one match left in the matchbox. Which do you light first?

Alexey Volchanskiy:


The lights have been switched off in the whole house. But there is a gas cooker, a paraffin lamp and a candle in the closet. There is only one match left in the matchbox. What do you light first?

First the gas cooker, then put the coffee on, and then everything else.

Vitaly Muzichenko:

First the gas cooker, then put the coffee on, well after that everything else

Get another box of matches or a lighter.