Interesting and Humour - page 1900


It's all bullshit, it's already been reported

This is also a fake

but why ruin the fun? ))) Maybe some homophobes would come out and laugh.

The first or the second?
You can see from the text that the first
I'm sorry. You should warn me. I'll make it up to you.
The first or the second?
The first. The third is a special case of the first.
"When I come back from the post office
I'm quite sure that... was taken by Ulyanov...
"He hasn't returned it yet."
In May I sent myself a postcard from Sevastopol to Moscow through the Ukrainian Post. It still hasn't come...
The first. The third is a special case of the first.

Now I understand why no one is fighting crime in our country.

Fighting crime incites hatred of criminals and therefore offends the sensibilities of certain groups of citizens.)

In May, I sent myself a postcard from Sevastopol to Moscow via Ukraine Post. Hasn't arrived yet...
Write to servicedesk ))

Now I understand why no one is fighting crime in our country.

Fighting crime incites hatred of criminals and therefore offends the sensibilities of certain groups of citizens.)

Personally I think only hate speech based on lies is criminal,

Any other hate speech (e.g. by listing existing dangerous or negative qualities of individuals or communities) is acceptable!

A Texas Ranger with a gun...


These are scary times we live in