Interesting and Humour - page 2822

finally assembled my little stranger's circuit)
where stranger has a tongue and groove, and grandma flew to the moon.
Alexander Antoshkin:
I think we should start an investigation into Donkey.
You probably want to uncover the mechanism of creativity. Wouldn't that lead to everyone thinking and writing in the same way?
In order for the stranger to be in space without a spacesuit, you need a space atmosphere.
In geometry, we learnt that angles are acute, obtuse and straight. But when I decided to wallpaper my flat I realised that there are also crooked corners and they are common in nature :(
Somewhere I don't remember reading a doctor's statement: "Everyone is healthy the same, but everyone gets sick differently".



It's like a fairy tale!

The angles are cool <img width="20" height="20" title=""" alt=""" src="" style="vertical-align:middle;" / translate="no">
in logic of construction of curve angles I get further and I ask myself a question, as from an ignoramus that if the superimposed projection of Nosov is plagiarism of the same Pinocchio ,,,,, then it is possible to promulgate ideas and results of his experiments of fluctuations with frequencies of Schumann?

ЦРУ убивает российских учёных?
ЦРУ убивает российских учёных?
  • Надежда Попова
Это не фантастика, не выдумка и не блеф: за последние 10 лет в России при загадочных обстоятельствах погибло более 70 научных работников. Кто так целенаправленно убивает ведущих российских учёных? Остановимся на таком факте. В ходе предвыборных дебатов в январе 2012 года сразу несколько кандидатов в президенты Соединённых Штатов публично...
And I've read 'Stranger on the Moon' and now I have different information about the origins of man. What to do? <br / translate="no">
I'm making you an engine ))))
Летающий диск Азанова. Интервью по многочисленным просьбам
Летающий диск Азанова. Интервью по многочисленным просьбам
  • 2014.08.29
свободная энергия, Тесла, качер Бровина, энергия эфира, сверхединичный генератор, технология Тесла, катушка Тесла, трансформатор Тесла, знания Тесла, Ацюковс...
Alexander Antoshkin:
I'm making you an engine ))))

How simple it is.

- Show me!

-How? It's gone.

If you had bothered, this question would no longer exist.
Just to introduce you to the fact that Schumann resonance is formed by standing waves propagating between the earth and the ionosphere...
Deeper, alas, in the books.
Alexander Antoshkin:
If they'd bothered to, that question wouldn't have been asked.
Just for the sake of introduction I will say that Schumann resonance is formed by standing waves propagating between the earth and the ionosphere...
Deeper, alas, in the books.

Believe it or not, I know about Schumann waves.

It's a shame no one can show you the flying disc... it flew away...

Things are being done behind the scenes.
The so-called underground has long learned to work beyond the reach of the security services.
All in good time!