Interesting and Humour - page 3359


The Russian Central Bank decided to identify high-frequency traders trading on the Russian stock exchange.

This is particularly annoying:

The First Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank reminded that such disclosure is introduced in Germany, but with a greater set of obligations, in particular

HFT traders have to validate and register their algorithms with the regulator

Read more:
ЦБ раскроет иностранных высокочастотных трейдеров
ЦБ раскроет иностранных высокочастотных трейдеров
ЦБ РФ обяжет российских брокеров идентифицировать своих иностранных клиентов, торгующих на бирже РФ с использованием высокочастотных стратегий, сообщил журналистам первый зампред Банка России Сергей Швецов, передает "Интерфакс".
it would be more logical to put teleportation in quotes, no? )
Not really. You could have put the whole title in quotes. But that's not the point.
Lazar Buga:
Well done guys, what can I say...
Брюссельский дворник-албанец выиграл 168 миллионов евро и прогулял работу
Брюссельский дворник-албанец выиграл 168 миллионов евро и прогулял работу
  • 2016.10.17
  • Фото: Loterie Nationale
Брюссельский дворник, выигравший в конце прошлой недели самый большой в истории Бельгии приз лотереи «Евромиллионы», в понедельник, 17 октября, не вышел на работу. Об этом сообщает газета Soir. По данным сайта лотереи, размер выигрыша составил 168 миллионов евро. Это 12-й приз, выигранный в Бельгии, и самый большой за всю историю тиражей для...

1977, a computer advert.

"Yes, you read that right: it's all just $5,995!"

Almost free :) true, in California, but it was a lot of money then (and still is).

  • 10 Mb hard disk drive
  • floppy disk drive
  • 8 bit processor (16 bit for extra charge)
  • 64K RAM (memory can be extended to 256K for an additional charge)
  • 12" monitor
  • Matrix printer
  • ...

But what is a CP/M operating system - I don't know ...

In general, it is the 21st century and we continue to produce computers with gigabyte hard drives ... Why can't everything be stored in 1 MB? Molecules divide into atoms, atoms divide into atoms... and we have gigabyte drives... We will still go back to 1977 when one gigabyte of 2010 edition will be stored on a 1Mb disk from e.g. 2050 ...

There are still clouds (to whom gigabytes are not enough).

There used to be big computers as big as half a room (I caught those) with little (or no) disk space, and now there are small computers with more space.
I, for example, am now writing this on an ASUS tablet, a small keyboard over bluetooth, a very small mouse also over bluetooth, and a hard drive of 53 GB (and I still don't have enough).
Why has the "iron" been reduced, but the information is still as it was?

You can also think of wireless irons, that was civilisation back then.
You can also think of wireless irons, that was civilisation back then.
And why bother with all those unnecessary wires for so many years. ))))))))))))))))
Sergey Golubev:

1977, computer ads.

oh, awesome, thanks for that post.

CPM - that was the 8-bit OS

I think things will go back to normal: telephones will only be used to make calls, suitcases will only be used as suitcases (I've already seen cool suitcases with remote control handles, I think they contain a phone etc.) ...

The irons are just for ironing at the moment. But who knows, in order to increase the price they will invent an iron-router and an iron-tv.
The TV remote control is atavism: it does not show movies, radio does not broadcast, does not graph laundry, wi-fi does not receive ... just a remote control ...

When it all comes to the "tipping point" that is when things get completely messed up (just one or two devices for all business) - then everything will return to normal, and people will remember the true purpose of things what/what they should be. And then the merchants won't make money en masse just by adding an option to some familiar item, then proving that we all can't live without it.