Interesting and Humour - page 209


Nostalgia then, on LeoV's guitar


Happy birthday, though.



Happy birthday, though.

Good always triumphs over evil, so whoever wins is good. (с)

Can I help you or not? (с)

Born to crawl, he will crawl everywhere. (с)

People are divided into those who can be relied upon and those who should be relied upon. (с)

We may not have everything. We may not have everything. We may not have everything we want.

We are mastering a higher style of argument. An argument without facts. Arguing on temperament. An argument that moves from an unsubstantiated assertion to a partner's personality.

It's not about the president. There is no law. There is none, or it is absurd. The one we have is unenforceable. Any kind of law, traffic laws, criminal laws, civil laws. The rules of society are not respected. Everyone lives the way he feels most comfortable at the moment. Lawmakers, by the way, are also chosen by us. Half of them do not know Russian. Down with immunity. By the way, do US senators have it? And in England? What is the most corrupt department in our country? Correct, the anti-corruption department. The situation cannot be changed in a civilized, evolutionary way. I personally do not see such a scenario.

re: sumkin75 - is that humour now?

I think the one about the driving instructor is much more interesting


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