Interesting and Humour - page 749


-Who are you?

- *** * ******

-No coat.

look at these bricks since 2008 compared to MSFT or DOW
look at these bricks since 2008 compared to MSFT or DOW
It's the 5 iphone that's the point.

How much is it?

look at these bricks since 2008 compared to MSFT or DOW
Why? Android was just introduced in 2008, and the third Q of that is already 75% of all smartphones sold.

How much is it?

It's as tall as a first grader, 1,700 roubles. It's comfortable to sleep snuggled up))
Any other options?

How much is it?

62446 euros
62446 euros
That's right. It's not a fox or a hare or a crocodile. It's a bear. It's expensive.