Interesting and Humour - page 1544


"Love the broads in the fresh hay" -
Sergei Yesenin wrote to all of us.
"Better still, on the edge of the forest" -
Mentioned by Pushkin
"Take them to the granary" -
Blok insisted on it.
"It doesn't matter where, but how" -
Pasternak told us all.

There was a traffic cop on the road.
Not a car in sight.
"There's no customers, I don't care if there's a wolf.
No customers, no wolf!

You've got to be tougher on the customer,
He's got to open his own purse.
Suddenly he sees a Zaporozhets coming!
Aha! Gotcha, old man!

The headlight's busted, the number plate's dirty,
The CO is above all measures,
The tyre tread is different.
Get your money ready, pensioner!

No mercy on the invalid,
He took his money like he always does.
"Son! - said the old man: "You'll never get AIDS!
You'll never catch AIDS!"

The policeman was very surprised.
"But, why?" - he exclaimed.
The old man wasn't embarrassed in the slightest:
"Yes, because, you are a GANDON!!!"

♪ I was dragging a man to the registry office ♪
(You should have seen the picture),
He was stubborn (the ugly louse),
But... I'm not going to be happy!

♪ One night behind the wall ♪
Something banged on the wall at night.
It was the inflatable woman
# Beneath my neighbour's bouncing
TheRussian army will study the culture of speech and "poems about eternal things"

Special three-volume book dedicated to the culture of behaviour of servicemen is being prepared for release by specialists of the Cultural Centre of the Russian Armed Forces, said Anton Gubankov, head of the Culture Department of the Russian Ministry of Defence, on the radio station "Echo of Moscow".

But more than anyone else, all the guards are afraid of cats