Interesting and Humour - page 3390

It's good where we're not!

You do not see a picture behind your figures, you do not want to see a picture, you are looking in the figures for confirmation of your opinion, rather than trying to analyse the real situation.

And how do you think things really are?
Dmitry Fedoseev:
Besides attraction, there is also necessity and hopelessness.
The night, the street, the streetlamp, the pharmacy,
The meaningless and dim light.
Live another quarter of a century
It will be like this. There's no end in sight

You die, you start all over again
And it will be the same as before:
The night, the icy ripples of the canal,
The pharmacy, the street, the streetlight.
Andrey Dik:
And how do you see it in reality?

That was not for you personally, but more for Sanych and Zaitsev.

Brain drain is not a contrived problem. To placate oneself and convince others with figures without getting to the bottom of it or to try to get to the bottom of it is everyone's personal choice of course.

I just find it strange to see the first group on a traders' forum.

That's it, I don't want to develop this topic any further, nor do I want to answer about it.

СанСаныч Фоменко:
Night, street, streetlight, pharmacy,
The meaningless and dim light.
Live another quarter of a century
It will be like this There's no end in sight

You die, you start all over again
And it will be the same as before:
The night, the icy ripples of the canal,
The pharmacy, the street, the streetlight.
Yeah! That's right! Pharmacies on every corner and not just one but two. It's a pity there aren't lanterns everywhere.

It was not for you personally, but more for Sanych and Zaitsev.

I thought you were speaking to me, I was upset...
Yes, we need to drop the subject.


I don't know what they were thinking before)))

$100 млрд в год за два градуса тепла
  • 2016.11.05
Москва. 5 ноября. INTERFAX.RU - Парижское соглашение по климату, подписанное 22 апреля более 175 государствами и ратифицированное к началу октября 74 странами, вступило в силу 4 ноября. С этого момента, одной из главных мировых задач станет сдерживание роста средней температуры на Земле в пределах 2 градусов Цельсия к 2100 году от уровня...
Andrey Dik:

Who fed whom under the Soviet Union?

We should have kicked these hypocritical freeloaders out a long time ago instead of waiting for them to collapse. Freeloading has been soaked into the blood of these nations for years, Ukraine is screaming against Nord Stream, how come no one asked their opinion and the EC etc. The other former republics are now whining in the same vein, the freebies are over, now they have to work and get their daily bread on their own.

As always, there is a lot of twisting and fudging, cheating in short.

From the balance sheet of the RSFSR the revenues of the so-called centre, i.e. oil and gas, which is 13% of GDP of the entire USSR, are not allocated.

By the way, all the republics (even the subsidized ones, whoever could) contributed to the development of this very oil industry.

In short, as always, you start by smoking yours and then all of yours.

The way it turns out that none of the republics has a GDP per capita of less than 5,500, and averaging across the USSR comes out with a per capita GDP of 2,600 ?????.

Your figures don't add up to

GDP OF THE USSR, 1970-1990
YearGDP, billion dollarsGDP per capita, $GDP, billion dollarsGDP growth, %share, %
current pricesconstant prices 1970globallyin Europein Eastern Europe
Валовый внутренний продукт (ВВП) СССР
  • Иван Кушнир
На протяжении 1970-1990 гг. ВВП СССР вырос на 345 млрд.долл. или на 79.6% до 778.4 млрд.долл.; изменение произошло на 83.4 млрд.долл. благодаря увеличению населения СССР на 46.6 млн. чел., а также на 261.6 млрд.долл. благодаря увеличению показателя ВВП на душу населения в СССР на 906 долларов. Среднегодовой прирост ВВП СССР составил 17.3...