Interesting and Humour - page 3707


Why such terrible pessimism? Or is it just humour?

Actually, the word "apocalypse" in the original means that Christ is coming. The virus certainly can't cause it, the word is used in a figurative sense, like a catastrophe on a planetary scale.


Electronic documents and profiles are not evil in themselves,
it's evil when organisations start abusing it,
or the government starts doing global surveillance,
not criminals, but everyone,
and that's really horrible.
...or when your data ends up in databases on disks sold at Mitinski market.
Dr. Trader:

Actually, the word "apocalypse" in the original means that Christ is coming. The virus of course cannot cause it, it is used in a figurative sense, like a planetary catastrophe.

Uh, Huh, what?!?

It is not for nothing that they say that trouble, like relatives from the provinces, comes unexpectedly and, as a rule, not alone.

Not only have we had enough of the WannaCry virus, but the minimum retail prices of vodka and cognac have also been raised - 205 roubles for vodka and 371 roubles for cognac.

This is not right, comrades! They have encroached upon the sacred!

Aleksey Levashov:

It is not for nothing that they say that trouble, like relatives from the provinces, comes unexpectedly and, as a rule, not alone.

Not only have we had enough of the WannaCry virus, but the minimum retail prices of vodka and cognac have also been raised - 205 roubles for vodka and 371 roubles for cognac.

This is not right, comrades! They have encroached upon something sacred!

When the official state of the country's finances is announced - NO MONEY - Means: - the price of vodka will skyrocket.

There is not enough money for Shuvalov's pugs, and apparently not even for the upkeep of vineyards, expensive yachts again - something has to be done to fuel them.

A good idea is to greatly increase the price of hawthorn, otherwise they will be in trouble.
В России выросла цена на водку
В России выросла цена на водку
  • 2017.05.13
  • Юрий Сомов / РИА Новости
Минимальная розничная цена на водку в России с 13 мая выросла на 7,9 процента — до 205 рублей за 0,5 литра, говорится в соответствующем приказе Минфина. Помимо водки, подорожал коньяк — его запрещено продавать дешевле 371 рубля за бутылку, рост цены составил 15,2 процента. 14 апреля вице-премьер Александр Хлопонин, курирующий алкогольную...

Sberbank has abolished the "go where the card was issued" rule

Сбербанк разрешил перевыпускать карты в любом отделении по всей стране
Сбербанк разрешил перевыпускать карты в любом отделении по всей стране
МОСКВА, 12 мая. /ТАСС/. Сбербанк решил один из наиболее актуальных для розничных клиентов технологических вопросов, предоставив им возможность получать перевыпущенные платежные карты в любом отделении банка. Об этом сообщил журналистам зампредседателя правления Сбербанка Александр Торбахов. Сбербанк - крупнейший розничный банк в стране - долгое...
В Петербурге проходит День эрмитажного кота: EADaily
В Петербурге проходит День эрмитажного кота: EADaily
  • 2017.05.13
  • EADaily
В главном музее Санкт-Петербурга Государственном Эрмитаже 13 мая проходит традиционный День эрмитажного кота. Как сообщили в пресс-службе музея, в этот день все желающие в рамках акции под названием «Там, где живут кошки» смогут отправиться на прогулку по подвалам Эрмитажа. Кроме того, в Большом дворе Зимнего дворца открыта художественная...
Yuriy Zaytsev:

And apparently even for the upkeep of vineyards, expensive yachts again - something has to be fueled.

It's not the first time you write this, but you could have studied the film to avoid writing nonsense: It follows from the film that there is not a single penny of state money in vineyards, yachts and other things, no share for the film's protagonist. All the property listed in the film is owned by foundations, which by status cannot even be privatised. When the foundations are liquidated, this property will go back to those who put it there - the private individuals.

A lie like this can make a very big boo-boo and it was designed to do just that, to boo-boo.