Interesting and Humour - page 3510


Remix of a clip from the TV series Broken Lantern Streets by the famous Enjoykin

Alexandr Saprykin:
Actually, it's not enough. (see Article 1175 of the Civil Code). They will probably not pressurise relatives (heirs) to pay the debt to the bank.
only if the relative accepts the inheritance
an inheritance may be accepted in full with all assets and debts
or one may refuse to accept and pay nothing at all legally
Our homeless beggars would certainly not agree to that.)
At least we would have an analogue for dropping not just a quid, but the whole amount from the card.
Our homeless beggars would certainly not agree to it)))

Why would they do that? They have contactless cards nowadays, swipe the terminal next to the pocket where the card is and the money comes out )

Our beggars don't ask, our beggars take it themselves.)

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

Why would they do that, there are contactless cards nowadays, you swipe the terminal next to the pocket where the card is and the money comes out )

our beggars don't ask, our beggars take it themselves )

Искусственный интеллект будет выбивать долги
Искусственный интеллект будет выбивать долги
  • 2016.12.30
  • Владимир Лещёв
Система способна распознавать фразы на естественном языке и формировать диалог в зависимости от ответов. По словам разработчиков, Iron Lady использует технологию машинного обучения и запоминает новые слова во время разговоров с клиентами. Все полученные ответы автоматически преобразуются в текст, который сохраняется в базе данных. В настоящий...

Rostekhnadzor suggests discussing a ban on the use of gas in multi-family dwellings to reduce the risk of explosions and fires.

As an alternative, it is proposed to equip homes with electrical appliances.

Ростехнадзор предлагает запретить использование газа в жилых домах
Ростехнадзор предлагает запретить использование газа в жилых домах
МОСКВА, 30 декабря. /ТАСС/. Ростехнадзор предлагает запретить использование газа в многоквартирных жилых домах для приготовления пищи и нагрева воды, чтобы исключить риск взрывов и пожаров. В качестве альтернативы предлагается комплектование домов электроприборами. Об этом сообщила ТАСС пресс-секретарь ведомства Юлия Непоседова. "Причинами...
Igor Konyashin:

Rostekhnadzor suggests discussing a ban on the use of gas in multi-family dwellings to reduce the risk of explosions and fires.

As an alternative, it is proposed to equip homes with electrical appliances.

They have no alternative and should have discussed it long ago. Houses have been built without gas for a long time
Igor Konyashin:

Rostekhnadzor suggests discussing a ban on the use of gas in multi-family dwellings to reduce the risk of explosions and fires.

As an alternative, it is proposed to equip homes with electrical appliances.

It is 2.5-3 times more expensive to heat and cook with electricity than with gas.
Alexandr Bryzgalov:
It is 2.5-3 times more expensive to heat and cook with electricity than with gas.
There is nothing more expensive than life...