Interesting and Humour - page 3813


The end of the Great Wall of China


The end of the Great Wall of China

What does the beginning look like?
Vladimir Tkach:
What does the beginning look like?
From perceptions of the surrounding reality

I met a guy and after a month we decided to live together. We rented a flat together... A year later I found out that the flat was his...

Victor Ziborov:

I met a guy and after a month we decided to live together. We rented a flat together... A year later I found out that the flat was his...

The guy's last name obviously ends in tskiy).


Is the programme glitchy if it prints itself out? What does a programme that is not recorded on any medium look like? A student once asked his teacher how to get rid of glitches in programs, and the teacher gave him a CIH virus. One day another student told the teacher that he wanted a program without glitches. "Fool! - shouted the teacher," why don't you ask for a glitch-free program?", and hit him over the head with a hard drive. If you have not yet attained enlightenment, there is nothing to talk to you about.

(Zen Buddhism through the eyes of a programmer)

Vladimir Tkach:
What does the beginning look like?

The rips muffled the beating of hearts,
Mine, on the other hand, was thumping loudly to me,
That yet my end is not the end:
The end issomeone else'sbeginning.

Общая задолженность по ЖКХ в России достигла 1,34 трлн рублей
Общая задолженность по ЖКХ в России достигла 1,34 трлн рублей
  • 2017.07.19
Объем задолженности граждан и организаций за услуги жилищно-коммунального хозяйства в России составляет 1,34 триллиона рублей. Об этом в интервью "Российской газете" сообщил министр строительства и ЖКХ Михаил Мень. По его словам, долги населения составляют 645 миллиардов рублей. "Жители в основном очень дисциплинированно платят за ЖКХ. Среди...

Relax, friends!


At 8,000 roubles/month we get 167,500 flat-months. That's nothing.

Brazenly lying. At least 10% of flats in the country don't pay