Interesting and Humour - page 2515


Unique footage of the real Americans landing on the moon, unedited

A grown man, but still believe in fairy tales?

In the XXI century the mention of the words "without editing" in vain is used only when passing the medical examinations at the military enlistment office in order to get out of the barracks.


Happy holidays.

At the request of copyright holders, music on the service can only be listened to by users
from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan.

Why this idiocy?!?


At the request of the copyright holders, music on the service can only be listened to by users
from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan.

Why this idiocy?!?

Quite common practice due to different legal requirements on copyright.
It's quite common practice because of the various legal requirements for ownership.
all of these silly restrictions can be easily circumvented by using proxies
Владелица Сердитого кота благодаря ему заработала 64 миллиона фунтов
Владелица Сердитого кота благодаря ему заработала 64 миллиона фунтов
  • 2014.12.08
МОСКВА, 8 дек — РИА Новости. Жительница США, 28-летняя Табата Бандесен, заработала благодаря тиражированию образа своего кота, получившего известность в Интернете под именем "Сердитый кот" (Grumpy Cat), 64 миллионов фунтов, сообщает газета Daily Express. Сердитый кот, ставший известным благодаря своему угрюмому виду, не раз снимался в рекламе...

From the comments:

- I wonder if this worm "knows" it's a computer simulation? :)

- Even we don't know if we're a computer simulation.

- Come on, we don't know. It's elementary deduced from existing perceptions of surrounding reality ;)

  1. There is a clear, well-defined moment to trigger the simulation - the Big Bang. A convenient bootstrap option without having to think about deploying the system on all levels. Let it launch itself.
  2. Fine-tuning of the universe - well, here too it is clear, the simulation was adjusted to the most interesting conditions.
  3. Quantization of everything: space, energy, time and, since recently, gravitation. Planck values represent essentially what any programmer has to deal with - restrictions on size of variables and accuracy of calculations. The speed of light is a limit on the simulation frame rate. It's just that the fellow experimenters underestimated the desire of the individual element of the system to get in too deep.
  4. The probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics - rounding errors when working with floating point numbers when approaching the limit of accuracy of the computing system. Read IEEE specification 754.
  5. Inability to link quantum mechanics and relativity theory - yes trivial are computed by different modules. Gordon Freeman could also puzzle over the mechanics of exploding barrels (Havok) and its inconsistency with the visual model (shaders) for a long time.
  6. Quantum entanglement is the first bug discovered in a sim that breaks locality. Apparently, they overdid the pointers.
OpenWorm — международный проект по созданию компьютерной модели червя
OpenWorm — международный проект по созданию компьютерной модели червя
OpenWorm — попытка построить полную симуляцию червя, состоящего из 302 нервных клеток и 95 мышечных. Проект стартовал в начале 2011 года и в настоящее время продолжает свое существование с помощью сотрудничества ученых и программистов из США, России и Европы. Все усилия рассматриваются как первый шаг на пути к имитации больших биологических...