Interesting and Humour - page 2110

A man decided to spend some time on beautiful beaches abroad. He saved up some money, bought a tour, went with his wife to the shore of the warm sea. He had a rest, was about to leave the hotel, when suddenly the patron of the hotel invoiced him 10,000 francs. So, the guy gets a little bit fucked up, what for? And the patron says to him: "Well, look. Car ride with wine tasting - 2 thousand. Man: What are you talking about? I didn't go anywhere. - Well, that's your own fault. We've been announcing the ride every day. Next, a yacht trip with fishing - 3 thousand. - What the fuck kind of fishing? - I don't know, I don't know, every day the boat came to the hotel, we had to watch. Next, a helicopter flight over the mountains - 5 thousand. - What helicopter? - Well, it's your own fault for not using it. Every day a helicopter came. Man: Oh, yeah? Then I want 15,000 francs compensation for moral damages. - What moral damage? - For fucking my wife. - Me? Your wife? I didn't go near her! - Well, it's your own fault. She was lying here on the beach every day.

A system for concreting passengers in an accident

The point of the invention is that in the event of an accident, the aircraft hitting the ground does not explode and passengers are not injured.

Молдаванин придумал как спасти пассажиров во время авиакатастрофы (ВИДЕО)
Молдаванин придумал как спасти пассажиров во время авиакатастрофы (ВИДЕО)
Разработанная выпускником молдавского политеха система безопасности гарантирует спасение пассажиров при крушении любого самолета. Открытие Александр всколыхнуло мировую научную элиту, китайские технич…

A system for concreting passengers in an accident

The point of the invention is that in the event of an accident, the aircraft hitting the ground does not explode and passengers are not injured.

I think Stallone's movie "The Destroyer" had such a safety system with curing foam in the car

A system for concreting passengers in an accident

The point of the invention is that in the event of an accident, the aircraft hitting the ground does not explode and passengers are not injured.

It was already in a movie, but instead of concrete, it was some sort of assembly foam, and the car foamed).
I think Stallone's "The Destroyer" had a curing-foam safety system like that in the car.
I didn't read it right away.
Список стран и городов, которые утонут в ближайшие десятилетия » Тайный Мир Анубиса
Список стран и городов, которые утонут в ближайшие десятилетия » Тайный Мир Анубиса
Человечеству пора прощаться с тонущими Амстердамом, Венецией, Триполи, Иокогамой и Мальдивами Уровень Мирового океана растет по причине климатических изменений, и этот процесс уже не остановить, – пишут Катерина Богданович и Алексей Бондарев. Англичанин Джеймс Диксон – один из немногих, кто считает Мальдивские острова отличным местом для...

Two existences in one world:

At the beginning of March 2014, a large international cat show took place in Moscow. If the press release is to be believed, more than 1,000 cats of all kinds came to the Crocus Expo.
Международная выставка кошек Кэтсбург 2014
В начале марта 2014 в Москве состоялась большая международная выставка кошек. Если верить пресс-релизу, то в «Крокус-Экспо» приехало более 1 000 самых разных котиков. Если у вас потекли мозги, если вы устали от работы в...
I think this is a topic for humour, not spammy websites!!!!
I think this is a topic for humour, not spammy websites!!!!

that's just the way you see it)))

The topic is calledInteresting and Humor.

Everyone has their own interests and humour.