Interesting and Humour - page 3710


How viciously small ornamental dogs sometimes bark when they are in the arms of their owners,

but as soon as they're put on the floor they run away with their tail between their legs.

Every little dog that grows up in warmth and comfort without hunger and troubles, without evil big yard dogs - ready to devour it easily - needs protection.


It is possible to see online on an interactive map how the virus is spreading.

At the moment it is destroying Ukrainian computers.

Maybe your city's in the zone, too.

Yuriy Zaytsev:

But you can regularly trim your black negative hair, wear a white tulu, or dye

A terrible misunderstanding.

  • Dogs in WWII: carried the wounded from the battlefield, searched for mines, served the fatherland in general...
  • Dogs now: heartbreak at the doorbell.
Artyom Trishkin:

A terrible misunderstanding

  • Dogs in the Great Patriotic War: carried the wounded from the battlefield, looked for mines, served the fatherland in general...
  • Dogs now: heartbreak at the doorbell.

>>>>Every little dog that grew up in warmth and comfort without hunger and misery, without evil big yard dogs - ready to devour it easily - needs protection.

We're talking about very different dogs... The ones who used to serve the society are still there, they can tear apart the yapping ones.

Why knock on the door, now they'll just come to the door with a bolt cutter.

Artyom Trishkin:

A terrible misunderstanding

  • Dogs in WWII: carried the wounded from the battlefield, searched for mines, served the fatherland in general...
  • Dogs now: heartbreak at the doorbell.
They also blew up German tanks, giving their lives for it.
Artyom Trishkin:

A terrible misunderstanding

  • Dogs in WWII: carried the wounded from the battlefield, searched for mines, served the fatherland in general...
  • Dogs now: heartbreak at the doorbell.

The wounded were not carried out, that's a fairy tale. But there were suicide dogs with explosives, but they were not ideological, they were deceived.

Vadim Baklanov:

The wounded were not taken out, that's a fairy tale. But there were suicide dogs with explosives, but they weren't ideologues, they were tricksters.

And in general, it's all terribly bad - we've all been deceived, and always will be. Who do you think is responsible for it all? Tell your hackneyed "fairy tale".
Artyom Trishkin:
In general, it's all terribly bad - we've all been deceived and are always deceived. Who do you think is responsible for it all? Tell your hackneyed "fairy tale".

What "fairy tale" - Vadim wrote it correctly.

It is physically impossible for a dog to pull a grown man in uniform with a gun. Dogs with explosives to blow up tanks - there was such a programme.

I don't know how effective it was, I have never seen any evaluations.

What is the big deal - the war.

П.С. Есть и оценка эффективности

Противотанковая собака — Википедия
Противотанковая собака — Википедия
Противотанковая собака — специально дрессированная собака с укреплённым на ней зарядом взрывчатого вещества. Собака забиралась под танк, срабатывал датчик цели (деревянный штырь длиной около 20 см)[1] и заряд взрывался непосредственно под днищем танка. Собаки применялись Красной армией во время Великой Отечественной войны против танков...

From here

During the Great Patriotic War dog orderlies carried more than 700 thousand wounded soldiers from the battlefield! It is worth noting that a dog handler was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union for 80 men carried off the battlefield.

СанСаныч Фоменко:

From here

During the Great Patriotic War dog orderlies carried more than 700 thousand wounded soldiers from the battlefield! It is worth mentioning that a dog handler was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union for 80 people carried out of the battlefield.

To bring medicine to the wounded, yes.

To harness and transport by sledges the wounded - yes.

But one dog could not pull a wounded man from the battlefield, only in harness and with a corpsman.