Interesting and Humour - page 225

and the Finns and the Swedes and the !!! Dutch
And even the French. But they snapped back, the law on secularism was passed as early as 2004.
Do not distort, just try not to be rude.

Sorry to offend the feelings of a grateful descendant who, under a peaceful sky not far from the mass grave of the fallen soldiers, reflects on how good life would have been if the Germans had won.

There are many such thoughts now. How good it would be to make a transit point for NATO cargoes. How good it would be to join NATO. How good it would be to disarm our own army and start feeding the army of others. Also, why do we need our own manufacturing when everything imported tastes better and is cheaper. How wise is the government of the states and other countries, and our own is mediocre. What murderers the Belarusians are, for shooting the organizers of the underground terrorist attack. And what orders will they give at the American embassy? Poo so-and-so, Poo so-and-so.


Abolk, there is no need to twist things around. Even Jewish survivors of German concentration camps tell jokes about the Holocaust. There was a link posted somewhere, I think.

Black humour was, is and will be.


Don' t twist things around. Even Jewish survivors of German concentration camps tell jokes about the Holocaust. There was a link posted somewhere, I think.

Black humour was, is and will be.

I didn't see any humour in those statements, neither black nor white:

By the way, I`ve been interested in this question lately too. It seems to me we would have had repressions, like under Stalin. Only other people would have been shot for sure. Russ officien, commissaren, partizanen puff - puff. Eventually Hitler would have died and everything would have worked out. Catherine 2 was German, and probably did the most good for Russia.

Maybe I can't see straight anymore because I'm twisting. So let's all laugh together.

Sorry to offend the feelings of a grateful descendant who, under a peaceful sky not far from the mass grave of the fallen soldiers, reflects on how good life would have been if the Germans had won.

There are many such thoughts now. How good it would be to make a transit point for NATO cargoes. How good it would be to join NATO. How good it would be to disarm our own army and start feeding the army of others. Also, why do we need our own manufacturing when everything imported tastes better and is cheaper. How wise is the government of the states and other countries, and our own is mediocre. What murderers the Belarusians are, for shooting the organizers of the underground terrorist attack. And what orders will they give at the American embassy? Poo so-and-so, Poo so-and-so.

Maybe you... ate something stale today?
Maybe you... ate something stale today?
I'm out of here. Until the next humorous picture or video from the Bears or whoever.

Меня, кстати, последнее время этот вопрос тоже интересует. Мне кажется, были бы репрессии, как при Сталине. Только отстреливали бы точно других. Русс официрен, коммиссарен, партизанен пуфф - пуфф. В конце концов гитлер бы сдох, и всё бы наладилось. Екатерина 2 немка была, а для России больше всех, наверное добра то сделала.

Maybe the twisting has made me see worse. So let's all have a laugh together.

Abolk, what do you want from a man who doesn't understand humour?

I'm not in favour of the Germans. It's just that our Russian way of life is like a shit house, full of rats, cockroaches and other things. There is vomit in one corner, feces in the other, and a dead person in the third one has been lying around for half a month stinking - there is no one and no time to bury it. I think we should clean it up, but no one knows where to start. Most people think it is the norm. The management wants to make it so that rats and cockroaches don't benefit from stealing, and they haven't thought of anything better to do than to feed them. In my opinion, only mass shootings will save the motherland. With full confiscation.

What do you want from someone who doesn't understand humour?

If you are referring to this post:


If the Germans had won that war.

The subject of the essay was strange.

I liked this post, I read it with interest. I didn't even realize it was humor at first. I thought, what kids today, they're so subtle.

I'm out of here. Until the next humorous picture or video from the Bears or whoever.