Interesting and Humour - page 737



With the arrival of the puppy, life in the house brightened up considerably. My wife decided to remember her youth and take an active part in all dog-related activities, without even asking what the dog herself thought about it.

And nowadays it is not like before. Now there's the Internet. And a bunch of communities. Broad and narrow. By breed and by colour, by geography of owners and by pet preference. And everywhere else I have to register.

The username's quick, but the password's always the same.

- Use her number. Always at your fingertips. You don't have to rummage through your desk for half an hour, then another half an hour in your purse.

- Right.

The dog's got a number tattooed on his belly with Latin letters and numbers. It's on the international database. It's like the vin number on a car and you can trace the pedigree and find the owners.

In two or three years, it'll be overgrown. But that's when it will be.

The dog liked it at first. They'd call her, pick her up, stroke her belly and let her go on the floor. Then the ritual was reduced to just lifting her up in my arms and then lowering her to the floor. After about the fifth check-in procedure she began to play dumb and pretend not to notice her name.

Then I left for a couple of hours, and when I returned I found an interesting scene. My wife and son standing on their hands and knees near the bed, with rattles and dog treats in their hands, begged the four-legged family member to show me the password one more time, the very last.

But the password was not going to leave its hiding place. Anyway, the number wasn't a good idea.

But it was fun.

And what will happen if the passwords go away in three years? How's the dog gonna feel about shaving his belly in search of a number? He'll probably remember these days.



What are you? related?

No, of course not.

You see, I'm right-handed, he's left-handed.


No, of course not.

you see - I'm right-handed, he's left-handed.

Well, one relative is left-handed, the other right-handed means.

The description is hilarious!)

what kind of spraddle


The description is hilarious!)

what kind of spraddle

Nothing funny, auto-translate.
When analysing the Second World War, American military historians discovered a very interesting fact: when suddenly confronted by Japanese forces, the Americans tended to make decisions much faster and, as a consequence, defeated even superior enemy forces. Having investigated that pattern, the researchers concluded that the average word length of the Americans was 5.2 symbols, whereas the Japanese had 10.8, and therefore took 56 per cent less time to give orders, which in a short battle is of no small importance... For the sake of interest, they analysed Russian speech, and it turned out that the word length in the Russian language averages 7.2 symbols per word. However, in critical situations, the Russian-speaking command staff switches to profanity and the word length is reduced to... 3.2 characters per word. This is because some word combinations, and even phrases are replaced by ONE word. For example, the phrase "32nd! Fuck that dick" ("32nd! I order to immediately destroy the enemy tank firing at our positions").

Special effects of domestic cinema from 1946.