Interesting and Humour - page 4114


Artist and illustratorValery Barykin

Sergey Golubev:

Sorry to interfere with your peculiar understanding of "interesting and humorous".

But go to your own thread post post posters, pictures, photos -- everything that is abundantly searchable and much more interesting than what is in your sample (because taste and colour).

Leave the normal "interesting and humour" thread for others -- don't litter it.

Интересное и юмор (политика и история под запретом)
Интересное и юмор (политика и история под запретом)
  • 2017.10.11
При публикации, пожалуйста, соблюдайте правила ресурса...
Andrey F. Zelinsky:

Sorry to interfere with your peculiar understanding of "interesting and humorous".

But go to your own thread post post posters, pictures, photos -- everything that is abundantly searchable and much more interesting than what is in your sample (because taste and colour).

Leave the normal "interesting and humour" thread for others -- don't litter it.


There the story can not (especially modernized and reworked by the artist-illustrator).
That's why it's this way.

You really can't do that here either .

And why the search engine? There's a link to the artist's website in my post, you can choose "taste and colour".

Sergey Golubev:


You can't have a story there (all the more modernized and reworked for yourself by the illustrator).
That's why it's this way.

You can't do that either...

In short, wherever you go, there's a wedge!

everything is fine ! the direction is right !

Sergey Golubev:


You can't have a story there (all the more modernized and reworked for yourself by the illustrator).
That's why it's this way.

You can't really do that either .

What kind of competition? Your posts of pictures, photos and others in the same style are really boring me. If you see "new" in the "interesting and humor" -- go to it, and there are endless of your monotonous posts.

I do not open "interesting and humour" Carpentry at all -- it is not interesting and not funny to me -- I watch it only here.

Leave this thread without you. Or change the subject.

p.s. No offence. Nothing personal. But your "interesting and humorous" is not interesting or funny to me personally.

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

What kind of competition? Your posts of pictures, photos and others in the same style -- really bore me. If you see "new" in "interesting and humour" -- go to it, and there are endless of your monotonous posts.

I do not open "interesting and humour" Carpentry at all -- it is not interesting and not funny to me -- I watch it only here.

Leave this thread without you. Or change the subject.

p.s. No offence. Nothing personal. But your "interesting and humorous" is not interesting or funny to me personally.

Everyone has his own humor.

And I post in the branch rarely -
I couldn't bore you
(As the poems turned out).

Half an hour here has been animated - and already bored.

Post what you think is funny.


In fact - this old humorous thread should have been moved to Metatrader 4 a long time ago...
I'm just kidding.

Sergey Golubev:

In fact - this old humorous thread should have been moved to Metatrader 4 long time ago...
So to speak - to burn bridges (just kidding).

You are a moderator of the English part of the resource -- you probably rarely remember Russian proverbs and wisdom -- there is such wisdom:

Don't open your mouth at someone else's loaf (but get up early and start your own).

p.s. And why the hell is this branch "old"? It was created at and is doing fine now. It was created by and is doing just fine.

The fact that Karputov created a branch he didn't create a "new" branch, he created an alternative one. For example, it's where you post your pictures, photos, posters -- no one says a word to you. Such posts are welcomed there and considered normal.

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

You are a moderator of the English part of the resource -- you probably rarely remember Russian proverbs and wisdom -- there is such wisdom:

Don't open your mouth at someone else's loaf (but get up early and start your own).

I have a humor thread there in the English part (978 sheets of posts), like this one
That's where I often... I just come here occasionally.

And this thread (where we are now) is still alive ... for a long time ...

And if you mean pictures, I've chosen his most innocent posters from his site(there are even embarrassing ones that can't be posted here).

Интересное и юмор (политика и история под запретом)
Интересное и юмор (политика и история под запретом)
  • 2017.10.11
При публикации, пожалуйста, соблюдайте правила ресурса...
Sergey Golubev:

I have a branch of humor there in the English part (978 pages of posts), like this
That's where I often... I'm just here for a little while.

And this thread (where we are now) is still alive ... for a long time ...

I wonder -- you "come running" here for what?

And what does "while you're still alive" mean?

This thread was created2011.03.21 00:40

You joined on2012.12.18.

Do you know the difference? You came to the resource after a year as it was created and felt great this branch.