Interesting and Humour - page 3737

No one pays more than 22% of their pension for utilities. Anything more than that is compensated by a subsidy. I agree, it's not much, but you have to be precise nevertheless. Not everyone will agree to swap their homeland for a well-fed trough. Would you swap your sick mother for a healthy one? Is it better to live with a healthy, albeit alien, mother?

This is the first time I've heard of a subsidy.
The daisies hid, the buttercups wilted...

The hemp blooms in full bloom...
Alexander Antoshkin:

IMHO, of course, but it's a fairy tale hint of a ridiculous accident!

And it's likely that it was also a complete accident.

Everything was simpler... ...and more modern:

Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a grandmother... A modest house with three floors,
Had a Jeep, two Saabs and a Porsche for fun.
Grandma sunbathed by the river,
And with quid in her pockets, she visits boutiques!
Grandpa got up from perestroika and bought himself a factory.
"He wears a Versace tee... Only the main income
The laying hen, nicknamed "Riaba", provided the main income in the garage,
The laying hen only laid Faberge eggs on the sly!
That's how the fairy tale would have faded - everything! Idyllic and silent!
But somehow a scumbag mouse found out about those eggs!
Tail pumped up at the gym, paws of a tiger, eye of an eagle,
Powerful incisors in a grin, claws - each one like a needle!
Having zeroed the neighbour's barn (racketeering is a golden bottom!),
The mouse ran over grandpa: "From two eggs - you give one back!"
The grandpa complained to the roof: "Hey, you guys, for real?
I'm crying, you keep it down, just nail the mouse!"
The roof scores an arrow... The mouse, hooked on the mayhem,
Starts a gunfight - Hollywood would be amazed!
The result is a stray bullet. ♪ Weeping woman, weeping grandfather ♪
There was a profit and now there's a shit! No more chickens, no more...

And the moral of the tale is even simpler: the more you want a freebie, the greater the disappointment.

Pavel Gotkevitch:
Everything was simpler... ...and more modern:

Once upon a time, there were a grandfather and a grandmother... A modest three-storey house,
Had a Jeep, two Saabs and a Porsche for fun.
Grandma sunbathed by the river,
With quid in her pockets, visiting boutiques!
Grandpa got up from perestroika and bought himself a factory.
"He's wearing a Versace three-piece. Only the main income
The laying hen, nicknamed "Riaba", provided the main income in the garage,
The laying hen only laid Faberge eggs on the sly!
That's how the fairy tale would have faded - everything! Idyllic and silent!
But somehow a scumbag mouse found out about those eggs!
Tail pumped up at the gym, paws of a tiger, eye of an eagle,
Powerful incisors in a grin, claws - each one like a needle!
Having zeroed the neighbour's barn (racketeering is a golden bottom!),
The mouse ran over grandpa: "From two eggs - you give one back!"
The grandpa complained to the roof: "Hey, you guys, for real?
I'm crying, you keep it down, just nail the mouse!"
The roof scores an arrow... The mouse, hooked on the mayhem,
Starts a gunfight - Hollywood would be amazed!
The result is a stray bullet. ♪ Weeping woman, weeping grandfather ♪
There was a profit and now there's a shit! No more chickens, no more...

The moral of the tale is even simpler: the more you want a freebie, the greater the disappointment.

Did you make that up?
Did you make that up yourself?
No, not by myself. Here's the link:
Ох уж эти сказочки
Тут неоднократно подвергали разбору и анализу различные литературные произведения. Я же хочу предложить поговорить о сказках. Понятно, что сказки (имею ввиду прежде всего народные) - это квинтэссенция мудрости, которую с самого раннего детства рассказывают в доступной интересной форме, чтобы запомнить основные правила поведения и разобрать...
Now I see whereAlexander Antoshkin copied it from. I thought he was making it up himself.
Now I see whereAlexander Antoshkin copied it from. I thought he was making it up himself.
Antoshkin is a plagiarist...
Yuriy Zaytsev:

For 15 years (15 years!) the State Duma has been trying and still will not consider the bill which prohibits those who have not performed their sacred duty for the Motherland - those who have not completed compulsory military service - to be admitted to the civil service.
According to its developers, this bill has "an uneasy fate": attempts to introduce it were made several times during the past 15 years, but each time in vain.
The fact is that no more than 10% of Russia's public servants have served in the army, and naturally, this bill is a bone in their throat.
The situation is even worse with the children of politicians and managers: only 2% of them have served in the army.
But it is precisely these young people who more often than their peers find themselves in public service and, as a rule, occupy positions
where considerable experience is required, which these young people lack.

Yuriy Zaytsev:

Yes, we know about the subsidies, they amount to 2,000 in this version.

If only those who build their homes in London, Paris and the U.S., those who educate their children abroad, would steal less from the budget, there would not be such a wild gap, when pension is 9 and utility bills are up to 5 But I want to shove this subsidy "Ulyukaevs" in one place, and pull it off.
* The 'Ulyukayevs' are just those who stand at the trough, tossing down crumbs as a handout.

What a strange patriotism - nurtured and cultivated by those who do not bind their lives, as you said, with the Motherland, which not everyone is ready to sell for a well-fed trough, so they have already sold it :). And then the boys, not deputy children, lie in the damp earth with worms in their mouths, killed in another massacre. To which they were sent by these same 'patriots'.

Take a look at those who rule us, they all own real estate abroad, children in London and Paris.
They are here because they are at the trough of the well-fed :)
As soon as they are pushed from the trough, they go there :)))

As long as they buy spoons and forks from the state company at 14k a pop... Pension will be 9 with a subsidy of 2 and communal payments of 5

When you write posts like this, add a PS saying "I live in the States, I work for the homo lubes". And "I provoke people deliberately, intelligently, without foul language". that you do so deliberately is proven.
Andrey Dik:

you abomination.
Andrei, I'm not defending anyone - not Yuri or anyone else - but don't cross the red line - insults on the forum are not allowed.

Be a man... If you can.

P.S. Were you in the army yourself?