Interesting and Humour - page 382


Without what? What exactly is the homeland?

My parents are the Homeland, my first teacher and not the first one either, my childhood flatmates, five dwellings in the countryside on summer holiday - that's the Homeland.

Friends? Half of them are already there. 10% of the sane population? Yes, that's the Homeland.

But in everyday life, it is 99% of what you want to get away from and protect your child from.

You have fence grass in Ukraine:).

Narkolajev is certainly famous for its traditions, but grass has nothing to do with it (grass is an environmentally friendly and harmless product :), nowadays sausage stinks because there is no meat in it. And not because it is expensive to put meat there, and just beaten on a bet sausage makers with mayonnaise-makers who more nastiness in the product shovel. And at the same time to prove to those worm consumers that you'll eat whatever they give you.

So give us a switch to clean energy, and it is desirable to draw directly from the noosphere. We will feed on pure thoughts, and especially hungry ones on dirty passions and thoughts :)

A child does not need to be fenced in, but taught to confront it in a way that is beneficial to him or her.
Thank you, but I know better.

because there is no meat in it as a matter of principle. And not because it's expensive to put meat in it, but simply because the sausage makers and mayonnaise makers bet on who will put more crap in the product. And at the same time to prove to these worms-consumers that you will eat everything they give you.

Yeah. You don't even know why there's no meat in this sausage.
Thanks, but I know better.
Yeah, right. You don't even know why there's no meat in this sausage.

I understand all that, but it's boring to describe the whole conspiracy theory.

You think Mercan sausage has it? Okay, rhetoric.

And in general, the concept of homeland has a purely physical meaning. Researchers of water have proved that the body remembers the water it was drinking during the first years of its life, and on the physical plane this is the concept of homeland. On the mental plane, the word homeland is derived from the word kin. It is where your relatives live.

Somewhere I met a definition, or rather a distinction, of how the Khokhlys differ from the Ukrainians. You can apply to any nation.

The Ukrainians live in the Ukraine, and the Ukrainians live where it's better.

Some are trying to make it and build a bright future at home, while others have put up with it and are stupidly adapting. Although those who stayed often did not have the brains, courage or anything else to leave and assimilate into the new world. Those who stayed were few in number and for reasons of principle.

That's the sad truth.


Without what? What exactly is the homeland?

My parents are the Homeland, my first teacher and not the first one either, my childhood flatmates, five dwellings in the countryside on summer holiday - that's the Homeland.

Friends? Half of them are already there. 10% of the sane population? Yes, that's the Homeland.

But in everyday life, it is 99% of what you want to get away from and protect your child from.

My relatives from Moscow once went to Denmark. They lived there for a few years, travelled around Europe, learned the language, studied and worked. They received unemployment benefit for several years while they were studying. It's higher than some people's salaries back home. Then something in their souls pulled them back to their homeland. They came back to Moscow. I was surprised then. Why? They lived there for a couple of years and still decided to go back to Denmark. That is, they compared them twice and decided that they (Europe) were better by all criteria.

Good luck in choosing the right destination!


My relatives from Moscow, once went to Denmark. They lived there for several years, travelled around Europe, learned the language, studied and worked. They received unemployment benefit for a few years while they were studying. It's higher than some people's salaries back home. Then something in their souls pulled them back to their homeland. They came back to Moscow. I was surprised then. Why? They lived there for a couple of years and still decided to go back to Denmark. That is, they compared them twice and decided that they (Europe) were better by all criteria.

Good luck with choosing the right destination!

I agree.
I don't see the point in stalling and considering those who have moved to a better place as some kind of traitors.

In that case, if Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov married a girl from the next village, then he too is a traitor?

And here is just a change of scale of conventional division of people.
In Denmark, America everywhere the same people live, some of us are considered bad, others we consider bad, and mostly because of propaganda.


I understand all that, but it's boring to describe the whole conspiracy theory.

You think Mercan sausage has it? Okay, rhetoric.

And in general, the concept of homeland has a purely physical meaning. Researchers of water have proved that the body remembers the water it was drinking during the first years of its life, and on the physical plane this is the concept of homeland. On the mental plane, the word homeland is derived from the word kin. It is where your relatives live.

Somewhere I met a definition, or rather a distinction, of how the Khokhlys differ from the Ukrainians. You can apply to any nation.

The Ukrainians live in the Ukraine, and the Ukrainians live where it's better.

Some are trying to make it and build a bright future at home, while others are resigned and stupidly adapt. Although those who stayed often did not have the brains, courage or anything else to leave and assimilate into the new world. Those who have remained are few in number for reasons of principle.

That is the sad truth.

Zombies attack