Interesting and Humour - page 4669

I put everything on ARTSLAND... They took 300 roubles for a rip-off... And it says free all for free...


- Seema, have you noticed how our currency has stabilised lately?
- It was the one that paralysed it before it died.

The man who was detained in Moscow on Patriarchal Street is called Jesus. This is no joke.
Dmitry Fedoseev:
The man who was detained in Moscow on Patriarchal Street is called Jesus. This is no joke.

Did the cat get on the tram there?

Artyom Trishkin:

Did the cat get on the tram there?

No, there was no cat, but his dog's name was Plato.

Maxim Kuznetsov:

no politics, although the official photo is of the president of Turkmenistan...

attention question: how many horses are in the picture?

and it seems to me that on an equilibrium principle, the fifth head of the bird should be facing backwards.
Artyom Trishkin:
When a crowd of idiots take out the supermarket in fear so that normal people have nothing to buy after work - is that instinct?
No. This is animal terror sown by alarmists and pests.
Even the shop assistants were wagging their fingers at us the next day, telling us about the idiots. They didn't sell as much in a month as the idiots took out in two hours.
Turns out someone threw a fake news story into the public domain in the style of "it's all over - it's on." It's political technology. We know, we know.
Almost a week has passed since then and nothing has changed. The city lived as it did before the virus and it still does.
You have to have a head, not only to eat and listen. But, most importantly, to think.

The Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Defense recommend masks on the grounds that COVIDA can be transmitted from a person without symptoms (incubation period) for 7 days and 14 days, while every sneeze can be infectious on most subjects and 3 to 30 days, so a mask for the outwardly healthy, self-made but still necessary. As expected, there are those who ignore all of this, pointing to the WHO statement that has already drowned half the world or more in infected people so that it begins to lack of doctors and this dramatically increases mortality, which is already higher than from influenza. which is also fought by those reposting twinks. It's not too late to do something about this with the blue whale groups... the main transfer method is air droplet by saliva microparticles when speaking or downwind (but there are hamsters blabbering on about virus size and unaware that viruses fly by air and not by themselves).


I've never been a fan of cover songs, but for some reason I'm hooked ))


That's the compilation speed I've got now)))

Alexey Viktorov:

This is the compilation speed I've got now)))

It's about time to turn off code optimization for intermediate compilation