Interesting and Humour - page 1610


That's great. Tell me about it. Turns out there are also "double-breathing fish" - they have both gills and lungs. It's amazing. Nothing seems to surprise you anymore, and then... another miracle:

There are also fish that climb trees
And then there's the tree-climbing fish.

Yeah. There you go:

Judging by the eyes, they can still sit in ambush for a long time.


Judging by their eyes, they still know how to sit in ambush for a long time.

Hunting goats, the bastards.

I have noticed that fish, some of them, jump out of the water. if some distance from the surface of the water to keep the food. especially if the food is moving.

Macropods jump out, so they were usually more fed than other species. up to 10-15 cm they jump out.

I picked it up and looked at it - it was the biggest male of my macropods. i don't know why it jumped when i was away but the fact it was as dry as a leaf and crushed - i stepped on it somehow.

I threw him back in the tank after that.

I had to go away on a business trip. a month or two later i come back, the fish are dead. or rather there are no fish in the tank anymore - only this male macropod alone is swimming.

The theory is that he ate them all. But I don't support that theory... he was kind, and i did not notice him anything so compromising. more likely that he encouraged the other fish to jump out of the tank to be alone. the question is where are all the dead dried fish on the floor? - i don't know... maybe the cat ate them or some of the other pets.

alexx_v: про клеточку
Bagrov used to say that what is good for the Russian, is death for the German.
Bagrov used to say: what is good for a Russian, is death for a German.

the proverb was born before ;) Bagrov

he repeated


A hacker in the canteen

Day One
A hacker arrives at a public canteen and is outraged to find that the salt shaker on the table can be unscrewed by anyone and anything can be put in it. The hacker goes home and writes an angry letter to the canteen manager: "I, meG@Duc, have discovered the vulnerability of the salt shaker in your canteen. An intruder can open the salt shaker and put poison in it! Take immediate action!"

Day two
The director receives a letter among other business letters, requests for food deliveries and courier notices, and shrugs his shoulders: "Who would think of such nonsense?"

Day five
A hacker comes into the canteen, pours poison in all the salt shakers. Three hundred people die, the director is dragged through the courts for three months and is eventually acquitted for lack of evidence. The hacker writes a letter saying "well, did you see that?".

Day 96
The director buys specially designed salt shakers with a code lock. Dining room patrons feel they are missing something in this life. </p>

Day 97
The hacker discovers that the holes in the salt shakers are leaking salt both ways. And not just salt, but anything at all. He writes an indignant letter to the director and pisses in all the salt shakers in the canteen. Three hundred people stop coming to the canteen altogether, thirty end up in hospital with poisoning. The hacker follows up by sending the director a text message saying "What do you think?" The director, meanwhile, is dragged through the courts for three months and given a year's probation.

Day 188.
The canteen director vows never to work in any canteen again in his life, but to quietly and peacefully load timber in Siberia. Engineers are working on a new salt shaker with a one-way valve. The waitresses, meanwhile, remove all the old salt shakers and hand out the salt.

Day 190
A hacker steals a salt shaker from the canteen and studies its design at home. He sends an angry letter to the manager: "I, meG@Duc, stole a salt shaker and find that fact outrageous. Anyone can steal a salt shaker from your canteen!" The previously inebriated principal reads the letter, goes home and drinks vodka.

Day 193
The hacker discovers that all the salt shakers in the canteen are chained to the tables. He arrives at yet another hacker's SPRING and reports on his successes, receiving there a well-deserved award for defending the interests of society and the consumer. Luckily, the director doesn't know anything about it and doesn't get drunk before his time.

Day 194
In a diabolically ingenious operation, hackers all SPRYG break into the canteen and pour salt from all the salt pots into their pockets. The hacker meG@Duc writes an indignant letter to the director insinuating that there is no care for the visitors in the canteen and any creep can deprive honest people of salt in an instant. A salt dispenser with authorisation is desperately needed.

Engineers are sweating over the new salt dispenser, while waitresses hand out salt by hand again. The director goes on holiday to the Seychelles and only eats in his room, avoiding canteens, restaurants and bars.

Day 200
Diners are horrified to find that in order to get salt, they have to go up to the waiter, show their passport and get a special 8-digit disposable code for the salt shaker. The procedure has to be repeated to get the pepper.