Interesting and Humour - page 322

It was, or it wasn't, but it's fun))
Thu, 17 May 2012 10:12:01 +0400

Muscovites, you are lying. I watched the inauguration, there are no traffic jams in Moscow. (c) bash.


Видете что здесь написано?


But the Chinese see..:

Score! Pulling, pulling myself at the corners of my eyes, and then the inscription sort of "manifested" itself. How the neural net in my head works, I don't know.
You can also squint or look at the monitor from a side angle.)
Defocused vision rules.

If there's no fish, there'll be kebab





That's the kind of creativity that really costs money.

Oh, man. I just noticed. It turns out the farther away we are, the longer they live. Must be a coincidence.


Robots, they are so different

Trust Technology Japan offers the market a cute pet - a robotic cockroach. If the last cockroach - thanks to progressive insecticides - has been around for too long and you're already bored, you can get the Gokiraji for $20. The insect has legitimate wings, six legs - and for some reason a light bulb on the back, like a firefly. Gokiraji is controlled by a remote control and obediently runs wherever you tell it to go: to welcome guests, to please your wife in the kitchen, etc.