Interesting and Humour - page 3714

Artyom Trishkin:

...And no one, no one brings coffee to the hut... Where's the good stuff?

I understand how "not just anyone" (a quote from Klitschko's Neolinguistic Dictionary) can understand.
It's an indescribable feeling of delight and tenderness (up to uncontrollable squealing of puppies), when the morning begins not with a psychotraumatic alarm clock chirping, but with the divine aroma of freshly brewed coffee ...!! You are still asleep and the aroma gently tickles your nostrils and with every breath fills you with vivacity, life-affirming optimism, a desire to live and enjoy life...

There was a period in my life (5-6 years), when I started every morning with a cup of hot coffee on the bedside table in this way... Now I can only remember it with bitterness (damn emancipation, it deprives men even of such pleasures).
Yuriy Zaytsev:

.... I have personally seen a cat - who goes to the toilet on his own and is trained to flush it - and this is no joke!...

A friend of mine had a cat that also used the toilet by itself, I can't imagine how an animal could be trained to do that... The best part was how the process was going on (sorry, I couldn't take photos at the time). When a cat had a "big" pee, everything was going on quite normally, but when a cat had a "small" pee - this was worth seeing! He did it manly - stood with his feet on the edge of the toilet bowl, leaned on the tank with one of his front paws and the other was as if arched and in this nice pose, standing vertically managed to miss the toilet bowl by a trickle. When I first saw it, I was shocked...
pelimen - our calves demand it!

Crocodiles ate a priest demonstrating how Jesus walked on water

That's how you shorten fractions:

Alexey Viktorov:
But he can't fetch his slippers: )))) Which means he can't get coffee either.

Wrong, he wears slippers too.

The cat has been trained and taught a variety of tricks since he was born, 10-15-20 minutes a day, every day, for many years.

(there's another cat in the picture - alas, I don't have the source.)


Morning and the ducks.

Yuriy Zaytsev:

Wrong, he wears slippers too.

The cat has been trained and taught a variety of tricks from birth, 10 to 15 to 20 minutes a day, every day, for many years.

(there's a different cat in the picture - I don't have the source.)

Why just one?)) Is it a cat for the handicapped?)))
Vladimir Suschenko:

I understand how "not just everyone" (a quote from Klitschko's Neolinguistic Dictionary) can understand.
It's an indescribable feeling of delight and delight (reaching the point of uncontrollable puppy squealing) when your morning begins not with the psychotraumatic screeching of an alarm clock but with the divine aroma of freshly brewed coffee...!!! You are still asleep and the aroma gently tickles your nostrils and with every breath fills you with vivacity, life-affirming optimism, a desire to live and enjoy life...

There was a period in my life (5-6 years), when I started every morning with a cup of hot coffee on the bedside table in this way... All I can remember now is bitterness (damn emancipation, it deprives men of even those pleasures).
Dear Sir, you have buried your talent as a writer in the ground. You're doing some lowbrow forex, when you could have been famous for the ages). Or is that a quote?
Dear Sir, you have buried your talent as a writer in the ground. You're doing some lowbrow forex, and you could have been famous for the ages). Or is that a quote?

Not a quote, my own, suffered and experienced.... About the writer's talent - didn't bury it, let it live on, as one clever man said, "A talented man is talented in everything". My innate modesty, hypertrophied by a rigorous upbringing and high moral ideals and principles, prevents me from replying more profoundly...

P.S. Don't insult Forex, he's nice and affectionate but he's wary and sometimes wild with strangers (until they get to know him and become friends)...