Interesting and Humour - page 4134


Vitali Klitschko's quips seem to have inspired former Russian hockey goalkeeper Ilya Bryzgalov.

Ilya had this to say about the Russian team, who are bound to win gold medals at the 2018 Olympics in Pyeongchang:

"And if they don't win it, even though they were given such a chance to win, because no one is standing next to them."

СанСаныч Фоменко:
One of the best films of recent times in every respect: the script, the acting, the idea itself, the nature - absolutely everything. Really 60 episodes.

I even went on Wiki to read what it is? There's a phrase in the article about this show - "Breaking Bad" demonstrates how one moral compromise makes the next one easier.

Vital. But, 62 episodes at 47 minutes long do you get sucked into watching...? 48.5 hours.


I even went on Wiki to read what it is? There's a phrase in the article about this show - "Breaking Bad" demonstrates how one moral compromise makes the next one easier.

Vital. But, 62 episodes of 47 minutes long do you get sucked into watching...? 48.5 hours.

Yes, no doubt. For the sake of the level of the film. can be held up as the benchmark of a real feature film in the future.


And Wiki is certainly true, but a complete lie about the film: THE FILM IS MUCH MORE GOOD AND MULTIPLE.

СанСаныч Фоменко:

Yes, undoubtedly. For the sake of the level of the film. can be held up as a benchmark of a real feature film in the future.


And Wiki is certainly true, but a complete lie about the film: THE FILM IS MUCH MORE BEAUTIFUL AND MULTIPLE.

Wasting such a chunk of your life on a soap opera? There must be extraordinary reasons for doing so. For example, very valuable information that will soon be monetised. Otherwise, I don't see why you should waste such a short life, not a day of which you can't get back.

Sergey Vradiy:

Spending such a chunk of your life on a soap opera? There must be extraordinary reasons for that. For example, very valuable information that will soon be monetised. Otherwise, I don't see why such a short life, not a day of it can be recaptured, should be spent.

So you're saying life should be "spent" on "monetisation",

that is, life should be devoted to making money.

I don't know what to dedicate it to, though.

Sergey Vradiy:

Spending such a chunk of your life on a soap opera? There must be extraordinary reasons for that. For example, very valuable information that will soon be monetised. Otherwise, I don't see why you should waste such a short life, not one day of which you can't get back.

Your post suggests a conclusion about your conception of life: you live to eat.

And there are people, and the vast majority on the planet, who eat to live.

It would seem to be a change of places, but what difference does it make.

Denis Sartakov:

You make it sound like life should be "spent" on "monetarisation",

that is, life should be devoted to making money.

Although, I don't know what to dedicate it to.

To myself, or rather to my soul.

Every morning: How else can I enrich my soul?

Every evening: Has my soul become richer?

To support that process we need money, but in amounts that are REAL enough for that process. Everyone's process is different: some are happy with their vegetable garden, some are not satisfied with their garden.

СанСаныч Фоменко:

To myself, or rather to my soul.

Every morning: What else can I do to enrich my soul?

Every evening: Has my soul become richer?

We need money to support this process, but only in an amount that is REAL enough for this process. Everyone's process is different: Some are satisfied with their vegetable garden, some can't get enough of it.

The soul.

- Our body is chemistry, that's okay,

- our soul is not chemistry, it's something external.

- our thoughts are chemistry or something external which is captured by our chemistry ?

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

What, concrete guys, yes, yes, no, no.

I like them both.