Interesting and Humour - page 879

At the bottom of that page it says "contact person ..." and a phone number ... they're from France by the way... probably just PR - and it worked if you reposted it :)
i'm dealing with Paris, i can't find the place, the previous post is wrong

OK, I've found it.)

Rue Montaigne 25

Hotel Plaza


Shumeel kamysh

The trees are gnuuuuully


wake up time


wake up time

He's cramping up, look at him.

Or maybe he hasn't cleaned there in so long that it's all dusty, he had to vacuum it up. EHHHHHHH, the male half is getting weaker.


Shumeel kamysh

The trees are gnuuuuully

The most important thing in this business is to know the measure, to calculate one's strength so to speak.
