Interesting and Humour - page 296


The riddle of the Black Square

"...The conceptual content of the "Black Square" is first of all to lead the spectator's consciousness into a space of another dimension, to that unified suprematist plane, both economic and economical. In this space of other dimensions, we can identify three main directions: suprematism, economics and oikonomia. In Suprematism, form as such, due to its objectlessness, depicts nothing. On the contrary, it destroys things and gains meaning as a primordial element wholly subordinated to the economic principle, which in its symbolic expression is "form zero" or "black square". Again taking into account that black, which is embodied and expressed as a "black square", is inextricably linked with the white background and without it the manifestation of colour always remains incomplete and dull. From it another, not less essential formula of the "black square" as a symbol is found out: the "black square" is the expression of unity of opposite colours. In this most generalized formula black and white can be expressed as light and non-light, as two attributes of the Absolute, existing both inseparable and inseparable. That is to say, they exist as one, one - due to which one is on the other... "

// would kill

The Riga writer and film dramatist Mikhail Dymov suggested that pupils of Russian-speaking schools in Riga aged 6 to 10 write to the Almighty, ask him their most urgent questions and ask for the most important things.

Can childhood be enough for a lifetime?
Mark, Year 1.

People suffer so much on earth, is it really worse in your hell?
Radik, 4th grade.

Maybe I can help you in some way?
Sveta, 2nd grade.

Flowers you turned out better than the man.
Galya, 4th grade.

Why did you create this world, have you not understood that it will be such a mess?
Marina, 4th grade.

How should I live so that everyone in the world would be happy?
Lisa, 2nd grade.

Why do the beggars ask for alms near the church?
Ira, 2nd grade.

There are so many troubles and sufferings on earth that people don't feel pity to die?
Igor, 4th grade.

What if people do not love you, but are afraid of you?
Ruslan, 2nd class.

Make sure that in the second life I was born in France as a boy.
Kira, 4th grade.

OK, Christ suffered for people, but what do people suffer for?
Grisha, 4th grade.

I went to kindergarten with her for two years, studied for half a year in the first grade, and then one day she told me: "You know, I'm worse than dead.
Arkady, 2nd grade.

Why in spring, when you turn on the stars in the sky in the evening, and a warm wind blows on the Earth, and it is quiet around me, I sometimes want to cry?
Natasha, 2nd grader.

Why is the world without gentleness?
Lena, 1st grade.

Dear God, did You give me my soul or someone else's?
Stasik, 2nd grader.

How does the day die? Old age?
Lyova 3rd grade.

Am I real?
Lyuba, 3rd grade.

Why did you make a man the main thing on earth?
Oleg, 4th grade.

When did love begin on earth?
Katya, 4th grade.

What is the purpose of life, and if it is necessary, why do people die?
Kostya, 2nd grader.

Did you send the rain to water the heat?
Raya, 4th grade.

Why did animals used to talk, but now they can't? Well, remember, even the Serpent talked to Eve.
Eva, 3rd grade.

And we are not your toys?
Sasha, 2nd grade.

Why are many people so unsunny?
Arina, 3rd grade.

Can we not be born?
Sveta, 2nd grade.

Why is it that when you love everything, even eggs?
Stepa, 2nd grade.

Why did you make the world so that when my mother tears her tights, she cries?
Vita, 2nd grade.

When I am gone, will I see myself?
Tolik, 2nd grade.

How to become a memory?
Misha, 4th grade.

I would ask for your affection.
Normund, 2nd grade.

Make sure, Lord, that all basements and containers are tidy.
Eleonora, 4th grade.

Dear God, please, make it so that, from grandmother to elephants, everyone is happy, well fed and with shoes.
Tonya, 2nd grade.

I want to live a good and happy life when I'm young, and I only want to be happy when I'm old.
Vera, 3rd grade.

What would I want to ask You? You yourself know everything.
Alik, 4th grade.

Amaze me, Lord.
Arthur, 3rd grade.

They say a man comes back to earth in the form of someone. Please make me come back to the earth in the form of my dog, and she in the form of me, and we will be together again.
Alyosha, 4th grade.

Bring my parents back to my childhood, I would be friends with my mother.
Gosha, 4th grade.

Make everyone I look at smile.
Tima, 2nd grade.

I really want children from shelters to find new, comfortable parents.
Dasha, 4th grade.

Open us up.
Vova, 4th grade.

Give kindness to all people.
Katya, 2nd grader.

Dear God, make our grandparents' faces light up in the sky and make them smile at me.
Kira, 4th grade.

Give me life.
Stasik, 1st grade.

Let all people be happy, then they won't be evil.
Vasya, 4th grade.

Let's make a deal, Lord, I believe in You, You believe in me.
Lyalya, 2nd grade.

If You find my mitten, please return it. Only honestly.
Anya, 3rd grade.

My dad works as a sailor, may the waves be kind to him.
Katya, 3rd grade.

I wish all living beings, nature, and even me, would have a good character.
Anya, 1st grade.

Teach my enemies to forgive their enemies.
Hera, 4th grade.

Save people not from sins, but from loneliness.
Sergey, 3rd grade.

I have written poems. They are shameful. I haven't shown them to anyone, but to You, God, I will. Here they are.
Grown-ups cry tears.
Grown-ups cry with their eyes.
Little ones cry with their hearts,
Little ones cry with their lives.
But if an adult cries like a baby
Then he really cries.
Marik, 4th grader.

At the parent-teacher meeting, the teacher said so many nice things about me, as if I were dead.
Olaf, 3rd grade.

Yesterday at school it was announced that you are. Hello.
Lenya, 3rd grade.

You know, even though I think I don't have a soul, it still hurts sometimes.
Roman, 2nd grade.

The worst disease on earth, God, is love. But all human beings for some reason want to catch this disease.
Lyuba, 2nd grade.

And I'm dying every second.
Pasha, 1st grade.

Don't be afraid, God, I'm with you!
Andrei, 1st grade.

You know, some people have shutters on their hearts.
Olga, 3rd grade.

Children should have their own God. Glorious, good God.
Sasha, 3rd grade.

The biggest miracle You do for people is that You do nothing for them.
Seema, 4th grade.

Can I not die, eh?
Julia, 1st grade.

What grades would You give me in life?
Arkady, 2nd grade.

Old men are tired children.
Andron, 4th grade.

Every morning I bury yesterday. For he is gone from me forever.
Arkady, 3rd grade.

I am proud that I have You.
Katya, 2nd grade.

We understand You lighter than adults.
Garik, 2nd grade.

I am still small, I am in third grade, I have no sins yet, but they are going to.
Eva, 3rd grade.

Has it ever happened with you: someone you like, but he does not look in your direction?
Olya, 3rd grade.

How many times will I be wrong about love? Three times already.
Yura, 2nd grade.

Mum said that I was crying in my sleep. Don't you remember what we talked about?
Igor, 3rd grade.

If You had made a woman first, You wouldn't have had to mess with the ribs.
Vova, 4th grade.

Do I embarrass You a lot?
Vova, 4th grade.

Can I dream about me sometimes?
Valera, 3rd grade.

If something hurts, do you get angry at me?
Goga, 4th grade.

I would ask my parents to be smart, they don't understand me at all.
Nadya, 3rd grade.

Different books describe You in different ways. Where can I get a picture of You, even a fossil one?
Raya, 3rd grade.

Would all people go to Heaven, would there be enough room for everyone?
Andrei, 3rd grade.

Why are we getting old?
Ilya, 3rd grade.

What language do the souls speak?
Raya, 4th grade.

How well will I end up in life?
Nikita, 2nd grader.

Why do we come to this life from the other life?
Ruslan, 2nd grade.

Last week a new boy joined our class. He's so... so... So don't count all my days of life until last week.
Oksana, 3rd grade.

I really like it when the sky gets bigger and bigger.
Reva, 3rd grade.

With you, I would have gone on a scouting trip.
Garik, 1st grade.

When a fairy tale is read - it is true.
Nina, 2nd grade.

I was born, took a look, and the world is already so evil, cruel.
Andrey, 4th grade.

When on Earth they shoot, Don't You hear, God?
Valera, 2nd grade.

Do you like what is happening on Earth?
Andrei, 4th grade.

I would like to know in advance what are Your plans: another flood or the Earth will burn in flames?
Kirill, 4th grade.
The social network VKontakte has announced the results of a competition to develop an instant messaging application. The list of winners was published by the head of the social network, Pavel Durov, on the contest page.

The first place went to VK Messages app by 21-year-old Petr Yakovlev of St. Petersburg. It is noted that Yakovlev specifically for the contest mastered the programming language Objective C, which is used to write programs for iOS (the contest was to develop an application only for that platform).

Yakovlev will receive 2.5 million roubles for winning the competition. VKontakte specialists will be involved in further development of the app.
Oh, there's one about "The Scream" in there too.