Interesting and Humour - page 1668


Shit, she's going to grow up later.



Some historical photos


Honda advertising.

Advice on a women's forum, "Put some mustard powder in his pants. If he complains of itching and burning, he's honest, if not, he's cheating"... First comment: "Burn in hell, bitch! Mine didn't admit to anything! Silently broke my nose first, then went to a venerologist"...

Advice on a women's forum, "Put some mustard powder in his pants. If he complains of itching and burning, he's honest, if not, he's cheating"... First comment: "Burn in hell, bitch! Mine didn't admit to anything! Silently broke my nose first, then went to a venerologist"...

Honest, definitely.
- So I'm walking along, not touching anyone... Suddenly, a jar of sour cream attacks me and hits me in the face, and in the face... I fought them off! Here, I'm licking my wounds...