Interesting and Humour - page 679


"woohoohoohoohoohoohoohoohoohoohoohoohoohoohoohoohoohoohoohoohoohoohooo my signals are profitable"
You're a lecher, Kolya...

Score! :)
- Darling, would you like another cutlet?
- Of course, darling! I tried so hard!
- Hmm... Actually, I made the cutlets!
- Well, I mean, when I was choosing my wife...
You've got a hell of a nature... But you don't appreciate it. You've got two cloaca's, St Petersburg and Moscow, and you're rotten. The Chinese are right, there's no point in wasting good things.

All bosses have a favourite expression: No one is irreplaceable! But when it's time for your holiday, it's fucked - you're the only fucking one.