Interesting and Humour - page 2556


Men's pylon)



Where do you invest your earnings from Forex ?

1. Vodka

2, Food

3. women (silicone, fur coats, diamonds)

4. Women (in a different sense)

5. Mongolian Tugriks



Where do you invest your earnings from Forex ?

1. Vodka

2, Food

3. women (silicone, fur coats, diamonds)

4. Women (in a different sense)

5. Mongolian Tugriks


One day Ellie, a girl from Kansas, was swept away to the Magic Land during a hurricane, along with her cottage. For two weeks she wandered around the area, whining to be sent home. She was. Not six months later, it was hello-kansas-city-my-mother's-hurricane-where-this-cuckoo-is again. Ellie was whisked away again. Actually, all the way to the same Magic Land. The locals saw it, weren't too happy about it, said, "What? Home? Walk the fuck home." Long walk, short walk, yeah... Walked home. Just when I got the roof fixed, another hurricane... Ellie left the roof with a hammer and a piece of metal in her hands. This time to Surgut.
"Why couldn't I sit in the Magic Land..." - flashed through Ellie's mind.
The old pattern - she'd been pacing the city for a week, whining to be sent home. But there are no elves and gnomes in Surgut, they tell her: "You fulfill the plan for the metal tiles, you write your own letter and... what? That's right. Walk p@zduyu." Done and done. Hitchhiking across Siberia with a drunken ginger trucker to the tunes of Mikhail Krug and Lesopoval, then on a small raft through storms, rain, and whatnot...
Bottom line: hehehe, Kansas, Ellis back, bichez... Satanists, a couple of raccoons and an uncle from Oklahoma live in the lodge. Nothing to eat but mescaline. Street latrine's gone. "I'd better get to Surgut," Ellie thought angrily. Then she climbed onto the roof, shook the last piece of metal roofing she had left and started shouting into the sky: "WHAT?! WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?! C'MON!!! COME ON, MOTHERFUCKER!!! TAKE ME SOMEWHERE ELSE!!!"
This time, however, Ellie wasn't blown away, she was simply killed by lightning.

Moral: If good fortune takes you to the Land of Enchantment, don't whine, sign in.



This is it, the future of taxis...

Впечатления от поездки на беспилотном автомобиле Google
Впечатления от поездки на беспилотном автомобиле Google
  • 2015.02.09
Сегодня мы хотим рассказать вам о впечатлениях человека, которому довелось лично прокатиться в беспилотном автомобиле Google и пообщаться на эту тему с инженерами проекта. Люди — ужасные водители Люди выпивают. Люди засыпают. Люди пишут SMS за рулём. Ежегодно на дорогах США гибнут 30 тысяч человек (27 тысяч в России). ДТП — основная причина...
The woodsman at the watering hole

In Scotland, there is a sheep called Pat who was raised by collie dogs - and now Pat is behaving like a dog.