Interesting and Humour - page 3317


And before, they used to just burn books!

Now everything is much simpler. Two clicks of the mouse, and "heresy" is gone.

That's good... No more dirt.

A farmer planted this link (actually, farmers are keen on different philosophical currents out there about self-organisation of society, about the difference between the notions 'power' and 'statehood', etc.).

An introduction to current philosophical ideas of Russian cosmism

At the end of the article:
Summing up, the following conclusions can be made. The philosophy of Russian cosmism states that:<br / translate="no">.

1. It is the duty and responsibility of every human being to transform the chaos around him and to establish order.
2. the fact that man has established himself at the highest stage of development of living beings on the planet does not mean that man is at the apex of evolution. It means that the period of unconscious evolution has ended for man, and now the period of conscious development of his qualities must begin. From the intellectual to the physiological, spiritual, moral and others.
3. To arrange life on the basis of expediency, sound logic, proper allocation of resources and, obviously, reducing the level of consumption to the minimum necessary.
4. To build up intellectual capacity in the wake of technological progress.
5. Develop and manage technological progress, conquering more and more space territories.
6. Build a united and genuine brotherly collective, for only such collective can provide answers to the outlined challenges.

Знакомство с актуальными философскими идеями Русского космизма
Знакомство с актуальными философскими идеями Русского космизма
  • 2015.03.02
В предыдущей статье я уже затрагивал тему русского космизма. После посещения лекции доктора филологических наук, Анастасии Георгиевны Гачевой, я не могу удержаться от соблазна подробнее раскрыть аспекты философской мысли, потрясшие мое воображение и пролившие свет на один из вечных вопросов – на вопрос о смысле жизни. В русском космизме есть...

When the person you are talking to strongly disagrees...

Yuriy Zaytsev:

And before, they used to just burn books!

Now everything is much simpler. Two clicks of the mouse, and "heresy" is gone.

That's good... No more dirt.

And Chatsky's question hangs in the air: "Who are the judges?"

Leah Church, an 18-year-old American basketball player, set the world record for the most shots at the basket from the three-point line in a minute.

Church hit the basket 32 times in a row before the minute expired, but the basketball player continued to hit the basket. The video ended at 55 shots.

Aleksey Levashov:
And Chatsky's question hangs in the air: "Who are the judges?
Judge not, lest ye be judged.
"The picture below is a picture of Theodore Roosevelt.
At the bottom of the picture is "copyright 1910 by moffett studio chicago".

During the 1912 election campaign. Roosevelt decided to print and distribute 3 million pamphlets with his "Confession" speech and his own picture on the cover. The print run was ready when the campaign manager noticed the very same inscription. Pretty quickly it turned out that no permission had been obtained from the copyright holder.

Oh, I almost forgot. Roosevelt's campaign manager was J. P. Morgan's top aide, a man experienced in dealing with all sorts of complicated issues.

The situation was, to put it bluntly, a stalemate. According to the current legislation, the photographer could request 1 dollar for each copy, and the headquarters didn't have that kind of money. The option of destroying the print run and producing a new pamphlet was also a bad one, because in addition to the extra cost, it also entailed a considerable loss of time.

After a thorough analysis of the situation, Perkins decided to enter into negotiations with Moffett and sent him a telegram along the lines of: "We are going to distribute three million pamphlets with Roosevelt's picture on the cover. This is a great opportunity for a photographer. How much are you willing to pay if we use your work? An answer is needed immediately."

Moffett replied quickly, "Thanks for the opportunity, I'm willing to pay $250."

Igor Konyashin:
"The picture below is a picture of Theodore Roosevelt.
"copyright 1910 by moffett studio chicago" at the bottom of the picture.

During the 1912 election campaign. Roosevelt decided to print and distribute 3 million pamphlets with his "Confession" speech and his own picture on the cover. The print run was ready when the campaign manager noticed the very same inscription. Pretty quickly it turned out that no permission had been obtained from the copyright holder.

Oh, I almost forgot. Roosevelt's campaign manager was J. P. Morgan's top aide, a man experienced in dealing with all sorts of complicated issues.

The situation was, to put it bluntly, a stalemate. According to the current legislation, the photographer could request 1 dollar for each copy, and the headquarters didn't have that kind of money. The option of destroying the print run and producing a new pamphlet was also a bad one, because in addition to the extra cost, it also entailed a considerable loss of time.

After a thorough analysis of the situation, Perkins decided to enter into negotiations with Moffett and sent him a telegram along the lines of: "We are going to distribute three million pamphlets with Roosevelt's picture on the cover. This is a great opportunity for a photographer. How much are you willing to pay if we use your work? An answer is needed immediately."

Moffett replied quickly, "Thanks for the opportunity, I'm willing to pay $250."

What was the follow-up to this story? Did Moffett receive any benefit as a result? Maybe he became a famous photographer because of it? Maybe his photography business went straight to the top?

Alexandr Saprykin:

What is the follow-up to this story? Did Muffet get any benefit as a result? Did he become a famous photographer as a result? Maybe his photography business took off right away.

Just lost $250. (lame-o)


Alexander Ivanov:
There were a lot of people standing in a pile and shouting, pointing something on their fingers. As if they wanted to shout at each other. They said it was the stock exchange. herd of sheep were yelling the same way I remember in the movie.... Sounds like.

Did it come with the internet? I remember in the 90s there were no Forex commercials. There was MMM and vouchers.