Interesting and Humour - page 2053

The company is currently preparing to produce spare parts for the four units operating the Tornado GR4 at Norfolk Air Force Base. The printers will be used to produce the aircraft's structural protection and cockpit equipment parts.
Истребитель совершил полет с напечатанными на 3D-принтере деталями
Истребитель совершил полет с напечатанными на 3D-принтере деталями
  • 2014.01.06
ЛОНДОН, 6 дек — РИА Новости, Денис Ворошилов. Британский истребитель Tornado GR4 впервые совершил полет с напечатанными на 3D-принтере элементами конструкции, сообщает компания-производитель BAE Systems. "Элементы из металла были успешно использованы в конструкции истребителя Инженеры использовали 3D технологии для разработки и производства...
It's just that we're all now forced to call the Negro race African-Americans. That's how we got screwed. Even if he's from Mars, he's African-American and tchk.
And here in Kuban, they call us Africans.
They get offended.

I'm training too

That'll do, too. All feats are usually done by midnight. :)

Happy two-week delay to all the Orthodox!

I hope the ROC will someday recognize the official calendar of the Russian Federation

and start celebrating Christmas with the rest of the world at the same time.