Interesting and Humour - page 4387


All punctuation marks are there, highlighted in bold, white :)

However, the commentary is fixed and the very first one.

I'll leave the video here, maybe someone will be interested and useful).

I've looked at hundreds of options, but settled on this. I just can't think of a colour.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

He's got one-dollar notes, only $15.

Not, one ten-dollar bill is visible.

To the right of the ten are three other notes and to the left is one 20.

Vitaly Muzichenko:

However, the commentary is fixed and the very first one.

I'll leave the video here, maybe someone will be interested and useful.)

I've looked at hundreds of options, but settled on this. I just can't think of a colour.

Have you looked at these options?

I like those better. This is the staircase I have with these walls.

Alexey Viktorov:

Have you looked at these options?

I like it better. This is my staircase with these walls.

Liquid wallpaper?

Vitaly Muzichenko:

Liquid wallpaper?

This one.

Oh, man. I didn't see the video until after I pasted it here... That guy's hands should be chopped off. And his plaster's dry, and he's applying it very thick... It's actually much better.

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Alexey Viktorov:

This one.

I see, but this material has the same practicality as wallpaper.

Now I do everything in such a spirit that nothing collects dust, even do not do any boxes with hidden lighting, or hidden baguettes, although I love them very much, but not practical - a dust collector. I only made two small ones, but there's no way around it.

The appeal of this plaster is that it looks voluminous, but it is almost smooth.

P.S. The radiators are a real dust collector(
Vitaly Muzichenko:

I see, but this material has the same practicality as wallpaper.

Now I do everything so that nothing collects dust, I don't even make boxes with concealed lighting or concealed baguettes, although I like them very much, but it's not practical - a dust collector. I only made two small ones, but there's no way around it.

What I liked about this plaster is that it looks voluminous, but it is almost smooth.

For it to be smooth, it is coated with a thick layer of varnish.

I've had this one for five years and it's dust-free and varnish-free... even though it's a village. No asphalt...

Alexey Viktorov:

It is coated with a thick coat of varnish to make it smooth.

I've had this one for 5 years and it's dust-free and varnish-free... even though it's in the countryside. No asphalt...

I'll look for more options then)

Not how I pictured it, but it looks interesting, need time to think it over.

I'll leave it here, maybe someone will be interested:

Vitaly Muzichenko:

I'll look for more options then)

Didn't imagine it that way, but it looks interesting, need time to think it over.

I'll leave it here, maybe someone will be interested:

Here... This handyman does a good job. And the material is basically the same as mine, only dry mix, and I have a ready-to-apply one.


Vitaly, don't forget to put up a table like this after the renovation.