Interesting and Humour - page 2136


Very soon, owners of Apple gadgets will probably be able to download an app from the internet that can bring virtual sex into the real world .

The long-distance sex gadgets are a set of two intimate toys, a female and a male, which can be controlled via Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, and are called "LovePalz".

In order to meet all the rules of erotic games, the developers gave the toys names, taking them from the myths of Ancient Greece: the female one is named Hera, and the male one, respectively, Zeus.

The gadgets look almost indistinguishable from one another, except for a pink or blue ring on the top that helps identify the "sex" of the gadget. But as soon as you open the device, you'll see that "boy" is the owner of a long rounded vibrator rod inside, while "girl" is a vibrator with a long oblong cavity.

The app is a regular video-caller that activates the toy, which is connected to a wireless network, and connects the two devices together.

Each partner then performs their usual movements with the toy, with information on speed, intensity and rhythm transmitted to a cloud service, from where it is read by the other toy and interpreted accordingly, maintaining a set rhythm, speed, pressure and the rest.

The creators are considering connecting the devices to social networks for group pleasures and carnal pleasures.



Good morning everyone!!!))

A homeless man sits outside the train station
begging. A new Russian walks by,
sees this picture, and something jumps in his heart.
something jumps in his heart, so he walks up to
the homeless guy, throws him 100 quid and
leaves for his car. As soon as he sits down,
, a limousine pulls up and
Putin gets out.
Vladimir Vladimirovich approaches
the bum and shouts:
- Tolyana! Hi, how are you? Where did
disappear to? Let's have dinner tonight!
Tolya replies:
- No Volodya, I can't. I'm working,
let's have dinner tonight.
Well, they agreed, Putin got into
car and left. The new Russian
is just shocked! Suddenly
the second limousine pulls up,
Lukashenko gets out and shouts to the bum:
- Tolya, hi! How are you? Where did
disappear to? Let's have dinner tonight! ?
Tolya says:
- I can't tonight, I made an agreement with Putin
, let's have dinner tomorrow?
Well, in short, they agreed. The new
Russian, meanwhile, has fallen to zero.
He goes up to the bum and asks:
- How do you know such people, you
- I know people like that!
- Do you know the Pope?
- Well, I do.
The new Russian thinks about it and says:
- How about this: I pay for our trip
to Rome, if I see you standing
on the balcony with the Pope, I will give
you so much money that is enough for your
grandchildren in the 13th generation. The bum
agreed. The next day they
arrived in Rome, there were millions of people in the square outside
the Vatican, they
made their way to the front rows, the new
Russian stayed behind and Tolya went. He
went through all the security, he
was welcomed. The new Russian
looks out on the balcony and sees that Tolya
sits down at the table with the pope and
eats with him. Then they stand up and
start waving to the people who have come to
the square. Suddenly Tolya sees
that the new Russian has fainted.
The next day they meet,
and Tolya asks:
- Why did you faint?
- Well, I can understand - Putin, I can
understand - Lukashenko, but when
the Chinese delegation arrived and
asked the guide: "Who is that in white
standing next to Tolik? "
- Every man has the right to vacuum the cat in secret from his wife.
- Every man has the right to leave closed pistachios for later.
- When a man carries a rug, he is obliged to shoot it through the garages as if with a bazooka.
- Every man is obliged to be able to straighten his pants through his trouser pocket.
- When somebody yawns nearby, a man is obliged to put his finger in his mouth, and if he bites, to say, 'What are you stupid?
- A shirt that hangs overnight on a chair is automatically considered ironed.
- Every man has the right to comb his hair back after showering, as if he were an Italian mafioso!
- Every man should remember the moment he guessed the answer in "What? Where, When?" and the connoisseurs didn't!
- Every man has the right, if he runs out of shampoo, to wash his hair with shower gel.

Hubba Bubba is gum for those who like to blow. Inflate the girl


You will be surprised to learn about these facts. They sound completely unbelievable, but they are true.

  • Hippos have pink milk.
  • Russia covers an area larger than the entire surface of Pluto.
  • The full name of everyone's famous Barbie doll is Barbie Barbara Millicent Roberts.
  • Oxford University is older than the Aztec Empire.
  • Mammoths went extinct 1000 years after the Egyptians built the Great Pyramid.
  • The DNA of humans and bananas is a 50% match.
  • There are more stars in the universe than grains of sand on every beach on our planet
  • There are more libraries in the US than McDonald's.
  • There are about 1.6 million ants per person. The total mass of all these ants is about the same as the mass of all humans on earth.
  • Saturn and Jupiter are raining diamonds.
  • Mario smashes blocks with his hand, not his head.

You will be surprised to learn about these facts. They sound completely unbelievable, but they are true.

  • Hippos have pink milk.
  • Russia covers an area larger than the entire surface of Pluto.
  • The full name of everyone's famous Barbie doll is Barbie Barbara Millicent Roberts.
  • Oxford University is older than the Aztec Empire.
  • Mammoths went extinct 1000 years after the Egyptians built the Great Pyramid.
  • The DNA of humans and bananas is a 50% match.
  • There are more stars in the universe than grains of sand on every beach on our planet
  • There are more libraries in the US than McDonald's.
  • There are about 1.6 million ants per person. The total mass of all these ants is about the same as the mass of all humans on earth.
  • Saturn and Jupiter are raining diamonds.
  • Mario smashes blocks with his hand, not his head.
Man... I had a hunch about the sixth point!!! ))))))))))))))))
1- In 1938 Time magazine chose Adolf Hitler as man of the year.

2- Twelvepeople have visited the moon.

3- Scientists are concerned about how radiation can affectpeople after recently discovering a mutation of butterflies in Japan with abnormal legs, eyes and wings. The mutation was caused by radiation from the Fukushima nuclearaccident in March 2011.

4-Humans and giraffes have seven vertebrae bones in the neck region. It is not uncommon for a mammal to have seven vertebrae of bone in the neck region, but it is interesting that the long neck of an adult giraffe has the same amount.

5- The active ingredient in most toothpastes is sodium fluoride. Sodium fluoride can be fatal. For young children, toothpaste with this ingredient should be tested. Even swallowing small amounts can cause stomach problems.

6- More than 3 millionpeople around the world search for something online every month with the words - interesting facts.

7- Did you know they don't sell chewing gum at Disneyland? Walt Disney didn't want to inconvenience guests. Few people would enjoy stepping on gum in the park.

8- Every year, Disneyland uses more than 5,000 litres of paint to keep the park looking beautiful.

9- Giraffes can go longer without water than a camel. That's wild!

10- Many people who have seen a yawn or heard one begin to feel the urge to yawn.