Interesting and Humour - page 2999

Vladimir Tkach:
Which toes do you have to grow nails on to make it easier to pick your nose?
Karputov Vladimir:
On the toes...

The main thing is not to poke it through:

nose picking

Vladimir Tkach:
Which fingers do you have to grow nails on to make it easier to pick your nose?

The wider ones... So you can widen your nostrils so you can breathe more easily afterwards.smiley picking your nose


A grandmother sits on the bench outside the house. Eye in one hand, jaw in the other, covered in snot and drool... She sneezed like hell...



IBM объявила эру квантовых компьютеров запуском своего облачного сервиса вычислений
IBM объявила эру квантовых компьютеров запуском своего облачного сервиса вычислений
  • Никита Лихачёв
IBM запустила собственный облачный сервис вычислений на основе пятибитного квантового компьютера, бесплатный для исследователей. Об этом сообщает издание VentubeBeat. Открытие облачного сервиса в IBM считают венцом 35-летнего изучения квантовых компьютеров внутри компании. По мнению представителей корпорации, будущее не в том, что вся техника...
Igor Konyashin:


In a couple of years there will be quantum computers on every corner...

"That's what a lot of money means..."

The play 'Ivanov', Anton Chekhov


He said it in such a context in the play 'Ivanov', that it still applies now (and everywhere else).
In any incomprehensible situation claim: 'that's what a lot of money means' (in his original it was about the decline of the nobility, i.e. the moneyed elite would 'destroy' itself - which I am sorry to observe).

It's only the fifth of May ...

Alexander Antoshkin:

A good prosthesis in place of a head
Some people need a prosthesis... some people need an assistant to solve problems...