Interesting and Humour - page 4692


About records. I read yesterday that a man lifted a barbell weighing 501 kg. That's a new world record.

Records are set at official events.

And in your own gym, with incomprehensible pancakes on the bar and videos on YouTube, you just show off - there have already been precedents in the history of sport.

Dmitry Fedoseev:
You can also jump from the fifth floor, but you have to wear a special protective helmet or your eyes might be knocked out by eggs. Sorry for the subtlety.
You can knock your teeth out with your knees. It all depends on the angle of landing.
Реter Konow:
You could knock your teeth out with your knees. It all depends on the angle of landing.

A tear came to my eye.

Maybe he's jumped already?

It's a shame about Kositsin.

Uladzimir Izerski:

A tear came to my eye.

Maybe he's jumped already?

It's a shame about Kositsin.

I hope he didn't jump.

Speaking of jumping from a height.

Two questions have always plagued me.

Where does the money go so fast? And how does a cat manage to flip upside down in the air with its paws down if its back is thrown down?


Records are set at official competitions.

And in your own gym, with incomprehensible pancakes on the bar and videos on YouTube, you ponce around - there have already been precedents in the history of sport

Google the record. It's official.
Uladzimir Izerski:

Speaking of jumping from a height.

Two questions have always plagued me.

Where does the money go so fast? And how does a cat manage to flip upside down in the air with its paws down if its back is thrown down?

the cat's tail rules like a butter sandwich.

Records are set at official competitions.

And in your own gym, with pancakes on the bar and videos on YouTube, the ponces are pounding - there are precedents in the history of sport

On May 2 Icelandic Haftor Björnsson set the world record in deadlift at the gym - 501kg.

Хафтор Бьёрнсон 501 кг!!! Новый рекорд!!! Hafthor Bjornson 501 kg!!! New record!!!
Хафтор Бьёрнсон 501 кг!!! Новый рекорд!!! Hafthor Bjornson 501 kg!!! New record!!!
Мой Instagram: @dobrynia.gym Братцы, подписывайтесь на канал, что бы не пропустить свежие новости нашего любимого вида спорта. На моём канале вы можете увиде...
Cats tail steering like a butter sandwich.

Tailless can do this too.

First they push their hind legs away from themselves at 90 degrees to increase the rotational inertia of their hindquarters, then they push their front legs up and turn around with their front body, then they push their front legs backwards at 90 degrees to increase the inertia of their front body, pull their hind legs backwards and turn around with their hindquarters.

Here's a vid:

Pavel Gotkevitch:

Icelandic Haftor Björnsson set a world record in the deadlift at 501kg on 2 May.

Once again, records are set in official competitions.

There is no other way.

Because there were already precedents of "record breaking" videos made with fake discs on the bar.