Interesting and Humour - page 3277

Yeah, the prince was a bit of a romantic ....
"Sleeping Beauty" is a sequel to the fairy tale, that prince was a king, married. When his wife found out about the existence of Sleeping Beauty and her children, she sends her servant to fetch them. He orders the children to make soup to be served to the king for dinner, while that queen deals with her rival. She too wishes to drive her into the boiling pot, to which the Sleeping Beauty says all right, I will go into it myself, but on one condition: when I undress I will sing. The Tsarina agrees and the Sleeping Princess begins her striptease and sings loudly at that. The King, who has been eating soup, hears her song, runs to her and throws his wife into the cauldron. As it turns out later, the servant took pity on her children and hid them, the king marries Sleeping Beauty - a happy ending
There is more than one version of the tale, by the way.

For example:

В 1812 году братья Гримм издали сборник сказок, куда вошла и обновлённая "Красная Шапочка". Отличий от версии Шарля Перро появилось немало: мотив запрета, который девочка нарушает; девочка несёт не пирожки и горшочек масла, а кусок пирога и бутылку вина; бабушка живёт не в другой деревне, а прямо в лесу; в конце бабушка и девочка спасены дровосеком, а волк погибает. 

Красная Шапочка (история и варианты сюжета, иллюстрации)
Красная Шапочка (история и варианты сюжета, иллюстрации)
В 1697 году французский писатель Шарль Перро опубликовал книгу "Сказки матушки Гусыни, или Истории и сказки былых времен с поучениями", куда вошла и обработанная им легенда о девочке и волке. В варианте Шарля Перро у девочки появился красный головной убор, но вовсе не шапочка, как в русских переводах, а шаперон - подобие капюшона. Перро оставил...
When I come to Poland, if I'm in a hotel, I sometimes watch their TV. Their news is "ours in reverse". But there's one TV channel where ordinary people can sing a song for 1 minute, for example, the best ones are shown on TV and there are festivals. Songs of any kind ...

The hit song by Boglan Borowski - Perfect has been a hit for a long time.
The chorus of the song:

Ona jest tak idealna,
Piękna, słodka, niebanalna.
Jest jak jak promyk letniego słońca.
Ta miłość nie może mieć końca.

They listen to songs like that instead of news :).

Sergey Golubev:
When I come to Poland, if I'm in a hotel, I sometimes watch their TV. Their news is "ours in reverse". But there's one TV channel where ordinary people can sing a song for 1 minute, for example, the best ones are shown on TV and there are festivals. Songs of any kind ...

The hit song by Boglan Borowski - Perfect has been a hit for a long time.
The chorus of the song:

Ona jest tak idealna,
Piękna, słodka, niebanalna.
Jest jak jak promyk letniego słońca.
Ta miłość nie może mieć końca.

They listen to songs like that instead of news :).

Many may ask - what's the gimmick?
Well ... What kind of singers have been singing and still are singing "teenage crying songs"?
And what kind of actor (and for example his whole Milano group)? Big, fat men...
We sing such songs seriously, while they do a parody.
That's the joke.
Sergey Golubev:
A lot of people might ask - what's the point?
Well ... What kind of singers have sung and are singing 'teenage crying songs'?
And what kind of singer (and for example his whole Milano group)? Big, fat men...
We sing such songs seriously, while they do a parody.
That's the joke.

And instead of

Ona jest tak idealna,
Piękna, słodka, niebanalna.
Jest jak jak promyk letniego słońca.
Ta miłość nie może mieć końca.

You can sing

If there was a sea of beer
I'd be a beautiful dolphin.
If there was a sea of vodka
I'd be a submarine

It's a good parody of Dune.) The choruses are kind of similar.
It is very similar. That TV channel (which I told you about) - there's just people "off the street", and singing, the jury - 3 men (always laughing), I do not know them, some Polish pop artists probably. The performer (who "anyone from the street") sings probably maximum 1 minute. That is - everything is quick, then the next one sings, a short discussion, and the next ....
And the performers have one goal - to win the sympathy of the audience (in a very short time), to make it to the finals, and there - the festival, and fame.

I heard the song "If there was a sea of beer..." in Polish there several times ... different people ...

And that song (meaning - "I'm perfect, and what's trite - I'm normal") - was a hit of children's discos (for kids under 14, kids dance in a big circle - stage, at the edges of the circle - parents support them, because sometimes very young kids dance). That's why I remember it.

That clip is just a remix for adults.

In fact, usually a "a la carte" man comes out, with a nice haircut, not looking like an entertainer, with a belly :) and sings this song.
The children dance in the audience (parents sit next to them).
There are a few more songs like that ... And not many people probably watch the news there, because everybody treats us so well that sometimes you think you've never been out of Russia (a great contrast to what they broadcast about them here, and how much they almost love us there). And they all listen to such songs, they just live, and they don't take anything for granted.
- Were you at least stubborn?

- Hands in the fence.


Good morning!

"If you haven't served, you're not a Stormtrooper."
Artist Sasha Swamp

Саша Swamp – художник и спрей-артист, начавший свой творческий путь 15 лет назад. Обучался классической школе рисования, параллельно рисуя граффити на улицах Москвы. Смешивал академические знания с техникой рисования аэрозолью. Постоянно экспериментирует с материалами и поверхностями. В каждом произведении заложен определенный смысл, который можно прочесть как историю.

And that's a moose:

Художник Swamp Sasha
Sasha Swamp