Interesting and Humour - page 2594


Three buttons is a lot. Only one button is needed:

The only button

Alone is good!

Three buttons is a lot. Only one button is needed:

Well, that will only work if you boot from a flash drive or CD-ROM). Or if the OC is DOS))
If you boot from flash drive or CD-ROM). Or if the OC is DOS))

in case the green one doesn't work)

two buttons are needed.


in case the green one doesn't work)

two buttons are needed

God loves a threesome, you should keep one as a safety net in case the internet glitches
Let me guess who's so modest? - The drummer? :)))
God loves a trio, another one should be kept as a safety net in case the Internet glitches


So, a trader's keyboard should contain 3 (three !!!) main keys:



So, a trader's keyboard should contain 3 (three !!!) main keys:

The third key is to disable the pacemaker?