Interesting and Humour - page 3981

СанСаныч Фоменко:
It's crazy about the post office. I live in the capital, but in a district (built in 1993), all post offices are Soviet: Just wait until something falls off on your head. For 25 years there have been no repairs, it's just creepy.

I live in the near suburbs of St Petersburg, the post office and Sberkassa have had a major refurbishment over the last 3 years, the Sberkassa has been completely redesigned and has become very comfortable.

But in Moscow all the time resurface paving tiles, all the time walking on a new one )).

But air conditioners never work, because the girls are sick - I asked ).

Petr Baskakov:

In the evening - one light source - a table lamp - and a hoover to collect ...

Gnats don't respond to light, but a hoover works fine, thanks for reminding me.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

I live in the near suburbs of St Petersburg, the post office and Sberkassa have had a major refurbishment over the last 3 years, the Sberkassa has been completely redesigned and has become very comfortable.

But in Moscow all the time resurface paving tiles, all the time you walk on new ones )).

But air conditioners never work, because the girls are sick - I asked them about it ).

The funny thing is that I have an Sber and a post office in a separate building here. Sber is super-duper and the post office is....

And about the tiles.

You've got to hand it to them. It's not just the tiles. In my neighbourhood is paradise - tiles, curbs, flowers, grass cuttings, lots of trees, playgrounds with rubber mats - everything is marvelous. And on top of all this splendour is the shabby, serial Soviet house-building.

They built about 10 or so new houses in one place. Stacked right up next to each other. There's a well inside the 'car-free courtyard' and a wall of 25 storeys around it.

Alexander Laur:

The place where the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean meet:

How's that? The Caribbean Sea is sort of part of the Atlantic Ocean and there is no land border between them.


I have a nasty feeling you're right.


Good evening.


How so? The Caribbean Sea is supposedly part of the Atlantic Ocean and there is no land border between them.

There is no land border elsewhere.

I got an F in geography...


How so? The Caribbean Sea is sort of part of the Atlantic Ocean and there is no land border between them.

It's not a 'meeting place' but simply a road between the two islands. And the difference in colour is a difference in depth. The one on the left is most likely the island's inner lagoon, as in the photo above

Alexey Viktorov:

There is no land border elsewhere.

I got an F in geography...

All the seas of the world, with the exception of the inland seas (the Caspian Sea for example), have no land borders. If the Mediterranean Sea has no strait, then our seas, which are part of the Arctic Ocean?

It's prettier that way.

Остров Элеутера, Багамские острова, в этом месте бирюзово-зеленые воды Карибского моря отделено от синих вод Атлантического океана тонким, естественным, каменным образованием под названием "Glass Window Bridge"


Look at the map, the eastern border of the Caribbean Sea runs along a long row of islands.