Interesting and Humour - page 560


5 years


34 interesting facts:

6. Dirty snow melts faster than clean snow

25. One third of public school teachers send their children to private schools

28. Jesus was a Capricorn (if at all)

Fact 6, what's interesting about it? It's a law of nature, the darker the colour, the more it absorbs solar energy. Ford, therefore, painted cars with black paint as it dries faster.

Fact 25, clearly shows the level of education in public schools.

28. Wow! I'm a Capricorn, too!


Fact 6, what's interesting about it? It is a law of nature that the darker the colour, the more it absorbs solar energy. Ford used to paint cars with black paint because it dries faster.

If you sprinkle a little ash on the snow, you can wait till midsummer for it to melt. I wonder why every spring.

Fact 6, what's interesting about it? ...

Here we go...

Fact 25, clearly shows the level of education in public schools.

No way, it shows the relatively high level of income of teachers who send their children to public schools, where, understandably, the level of education is higher

We have the APEC summit here - and we have nothing to brag about, except for the three bridges, nothing has been completed, but they stole the money, and that is how it is going

Where did you read the word "American"? And the distribution of salaries by profession can be found on the Internet from more reliable sources.

Well, it's understandable, isn't it? I mean, where are public schools most common? - Certainly in America. In our great and mighty country, school education is granted by the Constitution, so there is no need for public schools and it is not a common phenomenon in our country.

s. Well, he writes that he earns 30,000 a year. - That's not a bad average salary there. In public school in principle it is possible to arrange. But the point is - peripatetikos is right, they don't do it because they get greedy, but because they can see the system's rottenness from the inside.