Interesting and Humour - page 113


We're not from around here, we missed the train... What's that beautiful cipher you've got there?

Copy it and put it in the designer. Or as an ancestor in the settings.
You copy and paste it into the designer. Or as an ancestor in the settings.
We're not from around here... In short, make it clear))
We're not from around here... in short, make it clear))

Here's the right link for starters.

Next, copy the gene code and put it either into designer (to look at) or into input seed (to povolutionize)


Here is the correct link for starters.

Next, copy the gene code and transfer it to either designer (look it up) or input seed (poovolunteer)

О . How did they do the handmade?
It's a funny thing. It's all GA. It's from the genetic engineering side of things. But what you see, gentlemen, is nothing compared to what GA is capable of, and compared to what GA will be adapted to in the future...

GA is already being used in the construction of bridges, complex machinery, etc. It's going to be a long time in the future. In the future there will be the following: man will really relax, he will stop thinking, his brain will shrink with time, GA-built machines will think for him, neural connections will multiply and develop, with each generation the individuals will become smarter and smarter, soon the bee, then ant, then lizard, then badger, then bear, then dolphin intelligence will be overcome... And then man. Then, a human will no longer be needed; neural connections will be created dynamically, on the fly. First there will be simple melodies like Beatles, then more complicated melodies like Beethoven and Mozart, then new thoughts will appear, as complicated as the creator's - me...

ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... well, I'm nice. No, that's it. The evolution will end, then she'll start to degrade because she'll start to take alcohol, because she needs the thrill... then she'll need the thrill and she'll invent her own Chvorex. She'll start having championships and awarding prizes....

And the man will graze in the pastures, nibbling on the grass...


And man will graze in the pastures, nibbling on the grass...

No. A person will look for adrenaline if released from work. There will be a spurt in the development of extreme sports, there will be super-extreme ones.

There will be a revolution in the gaming industry. Then there will be a lot of matrices...

It's a funny thing. It's all GA. It's genetic engineering. But what you see, gentlemen, is nothing compared to what GA is capable of, and compared to what GA will be adapted to in the future...

GA is already being used in the construction of bridges, complex machinery, etc. It's going to be a long time in the future. In the future there will be the following: man will really relax, he will stop thinking, his brain will shrink with time, GA-built machines will think for him, neural connections will multiply and develop, with each generation the individuals will become smarter and smarter, soon the bee, then ant, then lizard, then badger, then bear, then dolphin intelligence will be overcome... And then man. Then, a human will no longer be needed; neural connections will be created dynamically, on the fly. First there will be simple melodies like Beatles, then more complicated melodies like Beethoven and Mozart, then new thoughts will appear, as complicated as the creator's - me...

that's it... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... well, I'm nice. no, that's it. the evolution will end, then she'll start to degrade because she'll start to take alcohol, because she needs the thrill... then she'll need the thrill and she'll invent her own Chvorex. She'll start having championships and awarding prizes....

And the man will graze in the pastures, nibbling on the grass...

That's it...

This has got to stop.

So that's why you're sabotaging the neuroprecept. I see. That's right.

super-extreme ones will appear.

They already are. A wingsuit, say.