Interesting and Humour - page 2454


I don't take that kind of jewellery (


Bingo! I got a rocket:

What a rocket. I caught a magnifying glass that follows the movement of my mouse cursor. It's a different image under the magnifying glass.


What a rocket. I've caught a magnifying glass that repeats the motion of my mouse cursor. This makes a completely different image appear under the magnifying glass.

Ha, I've got this:



Ha, I have, actually, here:

Yeah, there's a lot of fun :) Here's another one - your username is also in the subject

Well done!

China is preparing a supersonic submarine based on Soviet technology
В Китае готовят сверхзвуковую подлодку по советской технологии
В Китае готовят сверхзвуковую подлодку по советской технологии
Несколько месяцев назад в Китае стартовал на первый взгляд безумный проект: речь идет о прокладке скоростной железнодорожной линии из Поднебесной в США. Маршрут протяженностью более 13 000 километров берет начало на востоке Китая и идет в США через Сибирь, Аляску, и Канаду. Однако, по всей видимости, это не единственный невероятный проект...
Testing and developing the left and right hemispheres of the brain

You can easily test which hemisphere of your brain is currently active.

Take a look at the graphic attached to the post.
If the girl in the picture is rotating clockwise, you have a left brain (logic, analysis) that is more active at the moment. If she rotates counter-clockwise, you have an active right brain (emotions and intuition).

Which way does the girl rotate for you?

If you are looking at a picture simultaneously with your partner, friend, friend, acquaintance, it very often happens that you simultaneously observe the girl rotating in two opposite directions - one sees the rotation clockwise and the other counterclockwise. This is normal, you just have different hemispheres of your brain active at the moment.

It turns out that with some effort of thought, you can make a girl rotate in either direction. For starters, try looking at the picture again with your eyes unfocused.

Got it?

The Troxler effect

The Troxler effect or Troxler phenomenon is a physiological phenomenon in the field of visual perception. It was first described by the Swiss physician, philosopher and politician Ignatz Troxler in 1804.

The phenomenon consists in the cessation of perception of a visual stimulus that occupies a strictly constant position in relation to the retina.

In simple terms - look for 10 seconds at the cross in the centre and the spots will disappear.