Interesting and Humour - page 3683

Where can I find an interpreter? To take with her on a trip?
Andrey Dik:
Where can I find an interpreter? To take her with you on your trip?
I've obviously had a bad influence on you today... With your monasteries...
Yuriy Zaytsev:
I've obviously had a bad influence on you today... With your monasteries...

To have a proper command of languages. Business and conversation. There's not likely to be anything to find in monasteries. Although.... I wouldn't know. That's why I'm asking, are there any local girls who speak the languages? - Please contact me in person.

Yura, please don't write me in private.

Andrey Dik:

To have a proper command of languages. Business and conversation. There's not likely to be anything to find in monasteries. Although.... I wouldn't know. That's why I'm asking, are there any local girls who speak the languages? - Please contact me in person.

Yura, please don't write me in private.

After such a tweet !?? ... to write... You?
Are you crazy?
This isn't the first time you've been scary today...
Especially with the "Brezhnev kisses" thing.
Why are you so attracted to the gay scene?

Well, I indicated my orientation by wanting to go to a nunnery to heal my soul. You might say it's for a soul wound... trauma with the 13th place. And in general, a nunnery is a fertile place, again, no taxes.

I don't understand your post in the context of mentioning my name.

If you find a candidate, please let me know.
please, or I'll have to avoid you until the wrong "harmonica" disappears in your body.
Yuriy Zaytsev:
After a tweet like that... to write... You?
Are you out of your mind?
It's not the first time you've been scary today.
Especially with the "Brezhnev kisses" thing.
Why are you so attracted to the gay scene?

Well, I indicated my orientation by wanting to go to a nunnery to heal my soul. You might say it's for a soul wound... trauma with the 13th place. And in general, a nunnery is a fertile place, again, no taxes.

I don't understand your post in the context of mentioning my name.

If you find a candidate, please let me know.
please, or I'll have to avoid you until the wrong hormones disappear in your body.

Again you've tainted everything to the extent of your depravity.)))

I need a translator, not an interpreter, I don't know what you think you're doing.

Alexander Antoshkin:
Considering that "hormone... "and humor hormones are produced by the funniest organ in the world... - "finger"!

Typing in semi-darkness on a small touchpad, it's a modern world, and sometimes you get such crap all by yourself - it's amazing.


Just an epic post, no, it deserves to go in the humor section.


Andrey Dik:

Просто нужно четко понимать, что такое загрузка. К примеру, максимальный лот, который можно открыть на свободные средства 1 лот. Сов открывает позицию 0,94 лота. Вот получится загрузка депозита 94%.

Плохо это или хорошо большая загрузка? Это замечательно! Я бы дарил специальный брежневский поцелуй победителю, если у него будет большая загрузка - значит товарисч активно использует вверенные ему средства. а не просиживает их большой попой и чего доброго не... короче используются средтсва для торговли а не для хухры мухры помады всякие.

And thank you very much Andrew!

Your contribution is invaluable .....

weekend morning