Interesting and Humour - page 280



Kim Jong-un orders the shooting of unreliable generals with a mortar

... For example, an aide to the DPRK's defence minister was executed for being caught drunk while mourning the country's deceased leader. Moreover, Kim Jong-un ordered the "mopping up" of an unwanted military officer using a mortar so that "not a single hair of him would be left ...


That's it. Sleep


Top 10 most bizarre human abilities (10 photos)

1. lipodystrophy - or the complete absence of blubber under the skin - is a plague on 59-year-old Mr Perry (UK). He can eat anything - fat doughnuts, cakes, desserts - and still not gain a single gram as his body instantly burns away any fat, causing his skin to tighten around his muscles and causing him lots of discomfort. He was very obese as a child, but at the age of 12 he lost weight literally overnight and any attempts at gaining weight ever since have been a fiasco.

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