Interesting and Humour - page 1284


Interest on loans received from foreign banks can be waived. This unexpected conclusion follows from the ruling of arbitration courts in Moscow and Novosibirsk Region, which declared void, i.e. invalid from the outset, the loan agreements concluded by Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan (Halyk Bank) with two Russian companies. According to the judges, only a bank with a license from the Central Bank of Russia may be considered a creditor in Russia, while Halyk Bank's license was issued by the National Bank of Kazakhstan, Kommersant newspaper reported.

Halyk Bank learned that the money issued to Russian companies was not a loan at all after it sued the Russian courts to recover the loans, which the borrowers had stopped servicing. After reviewing the claims, the courts ordered both sides to restore the status quo and to behave as if no deal had ever happened. Thus, the Russian companies will have to return to Halyk Bank only what they took from it, i.e. the debt without interest

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Who hasn't wiped their arse!

Our regular column " Creativity competition "


Our regular column " Creativity competition "

Sometimes I get the impression that youtube was invented for our empty-headed bureaucrats. So that they can put their ingenious directorial ideas onto the internet.
Sometimes I get the impression that youtube was invented especially for our empty-headed officials. So that they could implement their genius ideas and put them on the Internet.
YouTube and social networks give people confidence that everyone needs them now.