Interesting and Humour - page 2577

We have plenty of sheep
We have plenty of sheep.
There are also plenty of shepherds.
There are plenty of shepherds, too.
Yes, that's true too!
Testing Skype Translator. It is an automatic voice and text translator (of what you say and what you write). At the moment, translates text from Russian into English. While the Russian voice does not translate.
Need volunteers - I will test the translation of the text.
Переводчик Skype
Переводчик Skype
Переводчик Skype автоматически переводит ваши голосовые и видеозвонки в режиме реального времени. Зарегистрируйтесь прямо сейчас и получите возможность оценить все преимущества Переводчика Skype до официального выхода программы.
Testing Skype Translator. It is an automatic voice and text translator (of what you say and what you write). At the moment, translates text from Russian into English. While the Russian voice does not translate.
Need volunteers - I will test the translation of the text.
What is the benefit?
What is the benefit?
Everyone benefits in the future: if this app proves to be as good as advertised, it means broadening the horizons of communication for those who do not speak, or have poor knowledge of, a second language.
Future benefits for everyone: if this app proves to be as good as advertised, it means broadening the horizons of communication for those who have no or poor knowledge of a second language.
This will be the third language I am not fluent in
Future benefits for all: if this application proves to be as good as advertised, it means broadening the horizons of communication for those who don't speak or don't speak a second language well.

It would have been better if you had just dealt with the text translator properly first. ))

A future benefit for all: if this app proves to be as good as advertised, it means broadening the horizons of communication for those who have no or poor knowledge of a second language.
If it were possible, someone would have done it already).