Interesting and Humour - page 1628

Police identify suspects in murder of Biryulevo resident
Kris7 @KrisK_7 2 min

The most frustrating thing is that the dumb pogrom crowd in #Biriulevo turned out to be right, without them it's unlikely they would have found the killer, at least - so quickly.
That's a lord and that's a common peasant. That's different, isn't it!
Air force brought in to deal with disturbances in Biriulevo
Judging by the broadcast, the whole of #Biriulevo, including the elderly, children and canaries, will be in the cops by morning.
How will all this contribute to finding and arresting the creep who stabbed the guy? On the contrary, it will make it easier for him to get away in this situation.
A dozen of these crashes before an election, a fascist on the throne
There is a big difference between a fascist and a nationalist.