Interesting and Humour - page 2907

Культурные особенности восприятия проявляются к двум годам
Культурные особенности восприятия проявляются к двум годам
  • 2016.02.20
  • Редакция журнала Наука и жизнь
Наш взгляд на мир в буквальном смысле зависит от тех, кто окружает нас в детстве. Нет нужды лишний раз рассказывать, как наш индивидуальный опыт влияет на восприятие: как мы видим мир вокруг себя, зависит от того, где мы живём, с кем общаемся, кем работаем, что читаем и т. д. Люди более-менее дотошные, склонные к самоанализу, знакомы с этим из...
Alexander Antoshkin:
Well done!!! great example of someone who goes for the internet, keyword here :

The key word here is:

at least 50 cm from the ceiling

Read thoughtfully!


The key word here is:

at least 50 cm from the ceiling

Read it carefully!

The installers should be punished for overspending. Or rather the craftsman and the surveyor for not contacting the planner. The surveyor measured and the master signed off.

And in general, the story is far-fetched.

At least from the fact that the paint comes off all the booths, that is, not one toilet was put there, and the problem with only one.

Well, work over 1.5 meters is already considered work at height, i.e. helmets, belts, etc.

installing a pipe at 7 meters from a stepladder is not good.

If you have to put up a scaffolding, it means you have to write them out, the master should already have a suspicion that the installers are making a f...yup when installing the toilet.


For three years I collected pocket change in beer cans, accumulated 2.5 litres of change.

It came out to ~10000 roubles.

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

The fitters should be punished for overconsumption of material. Or rather the craftsman and the fitter should be punished for not contacting the designer. The fitter measured and the foreman signed it.

And in general, the story is made up.

At least from the fact that the paint comes off all the cubicles, i.e. not one toilet was put there, but the problem with only one.

Well, work over 1.5 meters is already considered work at height, i.e. helmets, belts, etc.

installing a pipe at a 7-metre height from a stepladder is not a good idea.

If you have a scaffolding, you have to write them out, the master should already have a suspicion that the installers are making a f...yup when installing the toilet bowl.

That's quite a story. They can play a lot more than that in the factory. Listen to this:

- At a large engineering plant, a young design engineer is given the task: "Draw a bolt for 12". I should say that this is an ordinary task for a designer in the department of chief mechanic. So, this young guy, so full of himself after the institute, did it, checked it once more and gave it to the head of the department. Three days later he received a call from the shop. That means that the young designer is sent there - go and see how your bolt is turned out.

- In general, this young designer is standing in the shop and the foreman shouts: "Take it out!". So they take it out... With a crane... A bolt as big as a man!!! The foreman says to the young designer: "You draw it yourself, you take it away!" So the designer fainted.

- And the outcome of the story is that the drawing was correct and the giant bolt was left over from some mega-machine from the times of the Tsar-Gorokh and thus played a practical joke on all young designers. That's right.


Kettlebells have been talked about on TV, it's time to sell.

Пилите, Ермек, они золотые: в Казахстане возник ажиотажный спрос на гири
Пилите, Ермек, они золотые: в Казахстане возник ажиотажный спрос на гири
В Казахстане неожиданный ажиотаж вызвали обычные спортивные гири. Цены на них подскочили в десятки раз, доходит до курьезов - куски чугуна некий чудак готов обменять на целый дом. Есть правда, одна особенность: гири должны быть советскими.

Kettlebells have been talked about on TV, it's time to sell.

A scam (like: "collect ashes in a 3 litre jar"), creating a stir to sell someone cast iron.

ZS: even probably like this )

"A businessman came to an African village: "I buy local monkeys for 10 pesos a piece." There's a lot of monkeys around.
a sea of monkeys, all selling primates retail and wholesale for 10 pesos. There are fewer monkeys, so the businessman says,
he raised the price to 20. Residents got tense, caught the last ones, brought them in, handed them over at 20. The most
the last ones were taken for 25, and then he announced that he wanted another 50! But he left himself and left the
the manager. The manager says: "I'll give you these monkeys back for 35 on the sly, and when
"when the boss comes back, you give them to him for 50..." People are happy to get a freebie - they borrowed a lot of money and bought all
the monkeys back for 35. The next day the manager disappeared after the boss, and the people were left without
"but with the monkeys.

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

The installers should be punished for overspending on material. And more precisely the master and the measurer for not turning to the designer. The fitter measured and the foreman signed it.

And in general, the story is made up.

Clearly, it's made up. For fun. But programmers take things literally, so:

at least 50 cm from the ceiling == no closer than half a metre to the ceiling! NOT NEARER.

If you follow the instructions literally - you can't hang the tank higher than 0.5m from the ceiling.

But lower is OK! Hang it at the normal height and do not violate the instructions!

This is how the TOR is often written and read... :)


Clearly, it's made up. For fun. But programmers take things literally, so:

at least 50 cm from the ceiling == no closer than half a metre to the ceiling! NOT NEARER.

If you follow the instructions literally - you can't hang the tank higher than 0.5m from the ceiling.

But lower is OK! Hang it at the normal height and do not violate the instructions!

That's how the TOR is often written and read... :)

In general, yes, such situations in the terms of reference are common, so that not to waste time, you do on TK,

If the boundaries are very blurred, then at your discretion within the terms of reference.

Afterwards, it becomes a trump card that can be used against the customer.

SZS: But you have to keep in mind that, in case of what, remake a few seconds. If the redesigns are going to be significant, it is better to specify. )