Interesting and Humour - page 3423

Nikolay Kositsin:
What are the pills?
Don't take any more of that crap - the reptiloids are coming.

Kittens to your ribbon:

Nikolay Kositsin:
Benjamin Fulford: George Soros has been murdered by the White Hats community.

It has been reported that George Soros is dead. It's already been discussed at the Pentagon meeting.

Soros has been taken out. One by one all members of the Bush/Clinton crime syndicate have been mopped up.

Ben Fulford , November 19, 2016.

Is it true? They've been burying Bear Humpy for years, and that cholesterol-ridden creature goes on living and moaning, "Don't wait for it!"


What does the programming community care about Soros ?

Server Muradasilov:
The dog seems to be thinking "Oh my God! Her back legs are broken!"
Server Muradasilov:


What does the programming community care about Soros?

Well, there are not only programmers here, but also traders.
Don't take any more of that crap - the reptiloids will come.
Reptiloids don't go to anyone themselves. They usually send the shabezgods to do it. And when the shabezgos are no longer needed, they are dealt with in the same way as used condoms.
Nikolay Kositsin:
Well, there are not only programmers here but also traders.

Frankly, I have not understood what bothers them (Soros), I have read fifteen pages on various sites.)

«Белые» хакеры и CTF
«Белые» хакеры и CTF
Сотрудник нашего питерского офиса Роман Василенко недавно принял участие в «хакерских» соревнованиях. О таком виде соревнований, проводящемся среди специалистов по информационной безопасности, редакция раньше ничего не слышала. Мы жутко заинтригованы и просим Романа поделиться подробностями. – Рома, ты участвовал в соревновании DEFCON Capture...

Kittens to your ribbon:

Bummer. I had a cat the same colour in the spring :'(

Ishima Ohashi Bridge, Japan

Stelvio Pass, Italy