Interesting and Humour - page 4392

Vitaly Muzichenko:

I am continuing a brief review of some threads in the English part of the forum, which was started a long time ago.


A thread opened this afternoon whose first post is.

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

What happens if I make 1,000,000% profit with no loss in 1 dollar forex

Abubakar Saidu, 2019.02.11 14:43

Will I get in trouble if I for example make more than 1,000,000% profit without losing even 1 dollar in forex?

Will I get kicked out by the broker, or the forex market?

And two replies - one humorous:

And one serious thing:

There are only a few posts in the branch so far ...
In the future, I think the half-joking tone of the thread will change to a more serious one, where users will give reasons (apart from the spread) why it won't work, and how to do it after all.


So they've been shitting the people to death.

A letter came in with a hat like this, they're going to throw in some venereal disease stuff as a "reward". Who's first?

Vitaly Muzichenko:

So they've been shitting the people to death.

A letter came in with a hat like this, they're going to throw in some venereal disease stuff as a "reward". Who's first?

Some very youthful currency already. But it seems to me that for one trypcone (for treatment), at least a thousand roubles will be charged. And 500 welcome tripcoins is, in general, a guaranteed "screw". :)
Vitaly Muzichenko:

So they've been shitting the people to death.

A letter came in with a hat like this, they're going to throw in some venereal disease stuff as a "reward". Who's first?

I don't know about now, but it used to be a felony for intentional transmission of venereal disease. :)

Vitalii Ananev:

I don't know about now, but in the past it was a criminal offence to intentionally infect someone with a sexually transmitted disease. :)

25 years ago there was nothing like that - I assure you)

Vitaly Muzichenko:

There was nothing like that 25 years ago - I assure you).

I'm not going to argue, I studied law and we studied the old Soviet Criminal Code and for some reason I remember it as a criminal offence. And for what is now called "alternative orientation. Then the CC was still divided into crimes against private property (although the ideology of that time denied the private property, nevertheless it was) and against public property. And the punishment for state property was much stricter.

Вот. . Article 115.

(в ред. Законов РФ от 18.02.93 от 29.04.93 Федерального закона от 24.04.95 -Ведомости СНД РФ и ВС РФ, 1993, N 10, ст. 360; N 22, ст. 789; "Российская газета", N 83, 27.04.95) (в ред. Указа Президиума ВС РСФСР от 03.12.82, Федерального закона от 24.04.95 - Ведомости ВС РСФСР, 1982, N 49, ст. 1821; "Российская газета", N 83, 27.04.95...
Vitaly Muzichenko:

So they've been shitting the people to death.

A letter came in with a hat like this, they're going to throw in some venereal disease stuff as a "reward". Who's first?

Maybe it's a drug trip, not an STD trip) The main thing is not to get a bad trip.)

Vitaly Muzichenko:

So they've been shitting the people to death.

A letter came in with a hat like this, they're going to throw in some venereal disease stuff as a "reward". Who goes first?

Got an answer:

The word "tripcoin" was coined byOneTwoTrip,the word is derived from two words:"trip"and"coin".

In short, a trip to the dispensary with money in your pocket.)